
Arts Lab 4.0: Month VI, Sara Torrijos - Proud

We finished the month of January with the final day at Ion Creangă School, where we shared the secret box activity with our students. It was an activity that made them feel safe and confident, and helped them explore their emotions. During the preparations for the exhibition at the Rroma Museum, I designed the logo for the museum and Chiara and I developed "The Map of the Emotions" game. The exhibition included multimedia, tarot games, and art-theater installations. As facilitators, we invited participants to share their emotions in response to different stimuli, helping them to identify and position themselves within the different main emotions. At the beginning of February, we started working at Liceul Special "Moldova". During that week, we shared different Jewish games and recipes with the children while recording sounds for our audio-book. I'm starting to think about the end of this project and I feel very glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Cihan - Strage feeling

And we are in our fifth month. It sounds weird, but it's unbelievable that the project is now ending. I am in a strange feeling between the sadness that it will end and the happiness of the wonderful memories I now have. I will remember this beautiful experience with wonderful feelings. As for the topic of work this month. We started our work by watching documentaries on the Holocaust and what happen during that time in Iași county. For one week, we held art activities with students at the "Moldova High School", a school with a high concentration of visually impaired children. When we first met the students at school, I asked all of them as a group to write a poem about how they felt about the Jewish history in Târgu Frumos. In this way, a whole school wrote a poem together. Then we composed and recorded this poem together with the students who chose the music workshop. The result it is a great song. The youngsters were truly incredibly talented. They did a great job. The

Arts Lab 4.0: Month VI, Federica Colzani - Imagine the future

In the past few weeks, I've started to feel that the end of the project is approaching. With some members of the team leaving, I can sense that our time here is limited. Of course, I'm sad about this, but speaking with my friends about it, I've started to see the end as an opportunity to imagine a future where we can bring all the things we've discovered here. Despite this, our time here has been full of activity. At the Moldova Highschool, we facilitated workshops with the children to prepare for the Jewish Museum, and I started painting a mural in the school, combining the students' drawings about the mission of the school.  The week after, we went to Bucharest for the mid-term training, where we met many volunteers from different countries. It was very special for me to share with them the good parts of our project, as well as our doubts and fears about the future. Now, we are preparing for the final exhibition of the Jewish Museum, and I'm sure that this las

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Maja Mörchen - I don't want to say goodbye!

This is my second-to-last monthly report. I am a little bit behind because we spent the last week traveling, but let’s start at the beginning. In January, we were working on the Rroma museum by facilitating workshops at Ion Creangă School. In my workshop, I worked on Rroma history and painted a mural. It was a bit different from my previous workshops and definitely a challenge, but I am glad I did it and proud of the result. For the museum, I also created a wrap skirt and top inspired by Rroma clothing. This was my first time sewing pieces of clothing since coming here, and I'm very happy that I finally did it. I really appreciated that the final exhibition had a large and pretty diverse group of visitors. This exhibition also showed me how much all of us have grown since the first exhibition. The day after, I tried dyeing my hair for the first time. It didn't turn out pink as I wanted, but there's definitely a difference to before, and I like the result. We also had the ch

Arts Lab 4.0: Month IV, Chiara Gentili - Growth

I cannot hide the emotional difficulty I feel while writing this monthly report because the past month was the most complicated and intense period I have ever experienced. However, I feel grateful for the experiences that have contributed to my growth and maturity in many aspects. During this dense time, I had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and embrace a new idea with the help of the wonderful Sara.  Together, we designed a workshop and methodology that combined emotional intelligence, theater, and magic for the Alternative Museum Rromanes. This collaboration with the students and Sara brought out my deepest and most vulnerable parts, which was both emotional and rewarding. I am learning that it takes courage to get involved and live through every emotion and experience to the end to truly get closer to happiness.  Unfortunately, we lost a special companion this month, which has left a void in our family. Although it is still difficult, I want to cherish all the speci

Caravana Muzeelor Alternative: Apel parteneri locali

Împreună cu opt artiști din Europa, am dezvoltat în ultimele luni, patru instalații care îmbină artele, istoria locală și educația non-formală. Sunt patru tematici la alegere: folclor, Cucuteni, cultura rromă, și comunitatea evreiască. Până în prezent, am facilitat ateliere creative în peste 25 de comunități, preponderent în județul Iași, însă cu sprijinul clusterelor EUNIC România și Moldova ne-am propus să ajungem și în alte județe din regiunea nord-est.  Dacă sunteți o instituție publică, un ONG, ori un grup informal, și lucrați cu minim 30 de tineri (12-35 de ani) din comunitate, interesați să participe pentru trei ore la ateliere artistice creative, facilitate de șapte artiști internaționali, din șase țări, vă rugăm să ne contactați printr-un email la adresa  Perioada de desfășurare este 1-8 martie 2023. Pe 2 martie, vom fi la Bacău, unde colaborăm cu Asociația RYMD - Romanian Youth Movement for Democracy, care a ales instalația Cucuteni Alternativ. Caravan

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Wasan Abusummaqah - Recharged

One more monthly report and this journey is over. Last month we worked on the Rroma museum and it was one of my favorites because we started working on it right after the Christmas holiday so we were recharged and with full energy.  I collaborated with Ataota this time, we did the workshop at the school with the students together, it was about dance and we documented the process by doing a small video which the students enjoyed doing.  For my personal final product, I did a collage artwork, it was a mix of painting and photographs and fabric. I really enjoyed doing it and I like the result. I also filmed with Ataota her personal video, we were filming in an abandoned house with no windows or doors and I still remember how cold it was that day.  Then after the final exhibition, we moved on to our last topic in this project which is the Jewish museum. It’s a really sensitive topic to work on and also we are working with a special needs school, so the challenge is bigger