
Se afișează postări din 2021

Târgul de Crăciun Frumos: Fii Moș Crăciun pentru 14 copii săraci!

La invitația Asociației Meșterilor Populari din Moldova și a Primăriei Orașului Târgu Frumos, ne vom implica în perioada 17-19 decembrie 2021, în organizarea unui târg de Crăciun, pe Esplanada orașului Târgu Frumos! Târgul de Crăciun Frumos își propune să promoveze solidaritatea și patrimoniului cultural local. 14 copii care se confruntă cu sărăcia ne-au scris ce și-ar dori de la Moș Crăciun! Mai jos găsiți lista completă, iar dacă doriți să contribuiți, căutați standul ASIRYS la Târgul de Crăciun Frumos! Puteți dona direct produsele, iar dacă acestea nu sunt noi, vă rugăm să vă asigurați că sunt curate și în stare foarte bună.  Lista de dorințe pentru cadouri de Crăciun : 1. C.S. - băiat, 11 ani, clasa a IV-a: trening galben, geacă, adidași marimea 34, galbeni sau albaștri; 2. N.E - fată, 12 ani, clasa a V-a: blugi negri, geacă roșie, cizme mărimea 35; 3. C.B. - băiat, 14 ani, clasa a V-a: rechizite și dulciuri; 4. I.R - fată, 11 ani, clasa a V-a: geacă neagră, cizme mărimea 35 negre,

Târgul de Crăciun Frumos: 17-19 decembrie 2021

În perioada 17-19 decembrie 2021, Asociația Meșterilor Populari din Moldova în parteneriat cu Primăria Orașului Târgu Frumos și Asociația Super Tineri (ASIRYS) organizează Târgul de Crăciun Frumos, pe Esplanada orașului Târgu Frumos! Evenimentul urmărește promovarea patrimoniului cultural și a solidarității în spiritul Crăciunului.  La Târgul de Crăciun Frumos sunt așteptați peste 30 de meșteri populari, membri ai Asociației Meșterilor Populari din Moldova, ce vor expune frumoase obiecte tradiționale, specifice sărbătorilor de iarnă: măști populare, clopoței, podoabe, sculpturi, obiecte din ceramică etc. Târgoveții vor putea achiziționa cadouri autentice, la un preț corect, sprijinind totodată producătorii locali. În cadrul evenimentului sunt invitați colindătorii orașului, dar și grupurile din satele și comunele limitrofe. Toți cei interesați să colinde comunitatea ori să se exprime artistic, sunt rugați să ne contacteze prin email la sau direct pe pagina noastr

Vino cu elevii/colegii tăi la atelierele Arts Lab!

În perioada decembrie 2021 - februarie 2022, derulăm un program de educație non-formală, adresat tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 12-18 ani, și profesorilor/coordonatorilor/liderilor interesați să-și implice elevii. Programul se desfășoară în cadrul inițiativei Cucuteni Alternativ, un proiect dezvoltat de ASIRYS împreună cu 4 artiste internaționale, implicate în Arts Lab 3.0.  Descrierea activității: În fiecare vineri, în intervalul 14:00 - 16:00, organizăm un atelier care îmbină un mix de domenii artistice, precum: ceramică, pictură, design, arhitectură, fotografie și film, prin intermediul cărora tinerii implicați își vor dezvolta creativitatea, cunoștințele de comunicare în limba engleză și spiritul civic. Tematica abordată în cadrul atelierelor este cultura Cucuteni. Rezultatele atelierelor vor fi integrate într-un muzeu experiențial, numit Cucuteni Alternativ, ce va fi lansat în luna februarie 2022, în Târgu Frumos și Iași. Cum vă puteți înscrie?  Programul este destinat grupuri

Erasmus + Youth Exchange: Craftastic Results

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, between 23 July - 1 August 2021, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship. Craftastic was funded by Erasmus+ Programme with the support of the European Union. The main learning achievements of the participants, based on the evaluation form responses applied at the end of the mobility, are: new knowledge about the other countries involved improved skills of working in an international team increased motivation to participate in other Erasmus+ projects improved English language skills feeling better persons after the exchange knowledge about history and culture of Romania increased capacity to accept and be tolerant with different people and culture developed creativity. 9 participants dec

Arts Lab 3.0.: Kubra Akarsu - part of the team

October was the month for me to adapt to the project, the country, and new people. We started with a busy period at the beginning of October. We prepared an exhibition with our other teammates by working on artworks depicting our personal idea about what is beautiful in Târgu Frumos, translated as ''Beautiful Fair Town''. By presenting our products to local volunteers, we understood each other better and got good feedback.  Right after, we visited the Cucuteni museum to gather more information about Cucuteni, the subject of the next exhibition we will prepare. This month, I met an artist and went to his house, and started participating in activities on drawing.  We organized a final exhibition for the Butea school, where the organisation did workshops for a long time. This event was an important one both for us and for the children we work with. Exhibiting the artworks they produced with us reinforced their creativity and self-confidence In this event, which we held wit

Craftastic: Dissemination - French team

Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   The French team shared their learning experience on the pages of the sending organisation. Also they were part of a podcast: 🎙Our podcast (created by Jeanne Seguineau, one of the French participant of the YE Craftastic) is a meeting place for young travelers, eager to share their experience with Parcours le Monde. Each episode focuses on a specific theme, which may answer questions you have for the organization of your future projects!  📆 Our first episode is available since WEDNESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER at 2:30pm, on Spotify, Deezer, and YouTube. We receive Moïse and Fatima, who have come to talk to us about the language barrier and how to over

Arts Lab 3.0.: Leire Saenz - Artistic October

The month of October was a really important month for all of us, since we had our first art exhibition at the Act House, under the name of “Beautiful Fair Town”, for which we had been working for the whole previous month. This period of time was really stressful and full of hard work, but it was incredibly especial seeing the pieces come together in a shared space. Four different ways of looking at the same place that brought us together and welcomed us, the same space that with time is slowly becoming less and less unfamiliar to us. In October, almost like an attempt of giving back, the Act House was full of the pieces that we created inspired on what Târgu Frumos has given to us during these months. For me, the most interesting and enriching part of the whole process was sharing our creations with the people from the town. It was a meeting point for the outside and the inside gaze of this place. During October, we also continued working with Mr. Ciobanu, from whom we are learning to

Craftastic: Dissemination - Spanish team

  Craftastic was an 8-day youth exchange, held in Târgu Frumos, Iași county, Romania, involving 46 participants, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 8 countries: Romania, France, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the Czech Republic. The topics addressed by the project were: environmental protection, recycling, and entrepreneurship.   To disseminate the project, the Spanish team created a video in the last days of Craftastic, sharing their experience and feelings. Marc Caballer also posted in his social media, a testimonial with photos. As every Erasmus+, youth exchange, I did in my life, Craftastic was an incredible experience plenty of interesting people from all around Europe: Romania, Spain, France, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and even more were participating in this project related with the environmental protection, entrepreneurship and recycling. Now, it's a few days from there and I could think about

Partnership building activity: PARTNER UP - in Croatia

Between September 28 and October 4, 2021, two representatives of our organization participated in a networking mobility within the Erasmus Plus program. The activity took place in Croatia, in a town called Samobor. Over the 5 days course, 20 youth workers and leaders from 8 countries developed 5 project ideas for the next Erasmus Plus deadlines. Two methods that we liked, facilitated during the partnership building activities were:  * a walk & talk activity : the whole group in pairs toured the city; every 10 minutes we had to change the discussion partner, approaching a new topic; * fashion show : each national group had to create a paper dress containing useful information about the sending organization; after a cat-walk, we did a 2 minutes presentation about the organisation.  Most of the sessions were focused on developing our project ideas. From defining the target groups, beneficiaries, stakeholders, to activities, methodology, impact, visibility, dissemination and evaluation

Arts Lab 3.0: Krista Lipska - September' carousels

September started with a lot of planning, creating structure and visualizing ideas for our one of the biggest events in youth centre – exhibition of all 5 international volunteers “Beautiful Fair Town - Târgu Frumos”. Each of us jumped into creative atmosphere and tried to combine that with rest of activities and workshops. Surely another important journey started – an opportunity to visit Mr. Ciobanu who is a painter and speak about future collaboration with him.  Surely Arts Lab Caravans still were done, so we had an opportunity to visit kind and warm-hearted children and teenagers in Zmeu and Corneşti to show how worthy are arts and self expression. And furthermore to see, how important and visible is the impact we are leaving behind. Autumn as usually brought me a lot of analyzing about what I have done through year and what should be improved. And surely, I have gotten to places which I even didn’t had in my mind – completely different country, having new adventures fulfilled wit