Changemaker: Petronela-Georgiana Nache - A helping hand!

Project Title: A helping hand!

Changemaker Petronela-Georgiana Nache

Message for the world: Let's do good together!

1. Previous experience:

No,  I don't have previous experience. 

2. The Problem:

I believe that one of the problems in my village is poverty. Many children in my community are poor and even the things they want are small, they hardly have access to it. On the other side, the children that have a good situation are not taught to share and to be kind with those less fortunate.
The problem of poverty is very difficult to solve, but what I can do is to facilitate an event to teach my friends to be better people and give a sparkle of happiness to the children in need.

3. The Solution: 

I plan to organize an event in which I will invite 10 vulnerable children, all from Zmeu village. The reason for the invitation is to play and to organize a photo shoot with cool dresses and clothes. Children from poor families will have a surprise, at the end, they will be invited to take home the things they used during the photo session. These clothes and items will be donations from my friends and me. This action will encourage the spirit of solidarity, respecting the dignity of children.

4. Beneficiaries:

10 children from Zmeu village.

5. Team:  

5 of my friends will help me to collect items and clothes for the children. 

6. Objective:

My project aims to promote solidarity among 10 children, by facilitating an event to teach children to share and be kind with the children in need.

7. Project duration:  

2 month (March - April 2021)


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