
Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2022

Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - Learning by doing

We started March with the farewell of Leire and Krista. We were so sad they left. We had a great time together and I would like to be with them for the rest of my life. After the girls left, Giyum came to the project from France. We met him and got along very well, we had a lot of fun together and we created nice activities together. We prepared the presentation of our own country on ago-tourism and started to organize the garden of our house in the Cucuteni. We worked as a group, had fun, and got tired. We used to relieve our tiredness with funny conversations. Everyone did their best and together we did a great job.  At the same time, we went to Târgu Frumos schools and introduced volunteerism. This has been one of my favorite activities. We met many young people. And now we know most of the young people in Târgu Frumos.  Starting with this month, I am working in the field of entrepreneurship. We started to produce ceramics with the volunteers of this department. We will raise funds

Arts Lab 3.0 - Kubra Akarsu - We're famous now!

Our visibility in Târgu Frumos increased a lot in March. We're so famous now! :)) We facilitated workshops about volunteering for over 180 students from three schools in Târgu Frumos. We shared our experience in Asirys and talked about the importance of non-formal education. In my workshop, I engaged youth to speak about the volunteering values, and I believe this activity was really beneficial. We also tried to clean the Cucuteni garden by going to the village of Băiceni during this month. Even though there were few moments in my life when the earth touched my hands, I cut trees and fought with grass. Although this is not a pleasant job, I realized that sometimes it is more important with whom you do what you do than what you do. Thank you again to everyone who helped us, for making it more enjoyable. At the end of March, we had the opportunity to meet different organisations with an event prepared by our local volunteers. On the same day, we had the night of France and we had a p

Arts Lab 3.0: Demet Durdu - The day has come

The day we've been waiting for a long time has come and we opened the Cucuteni Alternative Museum in Târgu Frumos. I made and presented different ceramic art-works inspired by the Cucuteni cultural heritage. People from other cities came to our opening, there was great interest. We did the best with the help of local volunteers. It was also exciting to exhibit my replicas together with the original art pieces at Muzeul Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' from Iași. February has been the last month of the project for two international volunteers. It was hard to say goodbye because we lived together for 7 months, so we started feeling as a family. We promised each other that we would meet again one day. We held a farewell party, a Romanian night and we welcomed our new volunteer friend from France. In February we worked hard, had fun, grieved, laughed and said goodbye. I will spend the remaining 3 months to the fullest and continue to collect memories. I embrace the future

Arts Lab 3.0: Kubra Akarsu - Shortest month of the year

The opening of the Cucuteni Museum, which we have been working on for a long time, the Latvian night, the Romanian night, the trip we made with our big local volunteers team, the departure of Krista and Leire, whom we have been a family for over 6 months, meeting our new French friend... This is how much we have packed into the shortest month of the year! February was an extremely active, extremely funny, and extremely sad month for me. We opened our Cucuteni Alternative museum, on which we have been working for 3-4 months, and we received very good reactions. Apart from that, we received the support of ''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' University Museum to host our alternative exhibition, and we had the chance to meet over 30 history students and present our work. For me, it was a moment that showed that all the tiredness and efforts was worth it. After the reactions I got while I was stressing about how it would be, I made sure that we were doing good things. It was an incredib

Voluntariat: Iasmina Mancaș - Experiențe inedite

Totul a început cu o propunere din partea celei mai bune prietene, în urma unei întâlniri online cu o organizaţie din Târgu Frumos. Cum ar fi să ne implicăm mai mult în comunitate şi să devenim voluntari ASIRYS? Trebuie să recunosc, am acceptat propunerea cu o oarecare reticenţă, din cauza distanţei Pașcani - Târgu Frumos, care avea să devină problemă majoră în ceea ce priveşte activitatea noastră ca voluntari. Însă sunt bucuroasă pentru că nu am lăsat acest impediment să mă oprească în experienţa ce avea să îmi aducă atât de multe oportunităţi. Adeseori mă simţeam obosită, poate chiar extenuată, însă dorinţa şi motivaţia pe care o aveam pentru a face voluntariat au fost mai puternice. La început aveam puţine emoţii, transformate în frică, iar mai apoi în anxietate socială din cauza faptului că aveam impresia că nu mă voi adapta sau integra grupului. Toate aceste sentimente au trecut când am fost întâmpinată cu energie pozitivă din partea colectivului. Într-un timp foarte scurt am lega

Arts Lab 3.0: Krista Lipska - Little bit of everything

Huge diversity of emotions, lots of ups and downs. A little bit of everything, sometimes maybe a bit too much and sometimes probably not enough. There is no one word, even a full sentence is not enough to describe how it felt, how it was and what this experience has given to me. Whole notebook with 350 pages has been filled with tasks, ideas, summaries, poetry and flow of thoughts and yet, not everything has been said in there. If memories and all the lessons would be stick-able to paper, surely it would take at least 5 times more space. All of it is truly precious, because some of them are captured in pictures, some of them are hiding in my small things left behind by my friends, small notes and vividly sparkly eyes kept in my memory as pictures of mind and soul. I am more than sure that without this experience I wouldn't have such a concentrated opportunity to lure out my strengths and get a better look into things that must be changed, a lot of skills picked up and full hands of