
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Hanul_Choi

Expoziția The Beautiful Fair Town: Momente, de Hanul Choi

 În 2020, am organizat o expoziție numită The Beautiful Fair Town, care a implicat 4 artiști din 4 țări diferite. Expoziția a urmărit să încurajeze tinerii de alte naționalități să identifice cele mai frumoase aspecte ale orașului Târgu Frumos. Aceștia au creat fotografii, filmulețe, au înregistrat sunete și au folosit ceramica pentru a reprezenta frumusețea orașului Târgu Frumos, în propria viziune.  Acest filmuleț a fost realizat de Hanul Choi, din Coreea de Sud. Care este viziunea dvs. despre orașul Târgu Frumos? Ne puteți spune completând acest chestionar:

Arts Lab Report: Ups & downs of my volunteering journey

It has come down to this. The final monthly report… Maybe. I am sitting here in this room that I had spent living for the last 7 months, sick because of the sudden change of temperature (not because of COVID). September was a very dramatic month for sure. After coming back from the Holiday, everything felt more accelerated. I was preparing a lot of things for the organization: Caravan workshops, editing videos about conferences and folkloristicas, intercultural night. By this month I was exhausted and depressed. I was struggling to find a proper motivation to continue with the project and felt alone in the house. Thankfully, there were people in my life who helped me to finish the project. When it felt like I had no one to talk to, there was Nikolia and Mona, my tutor and one of the local volunteer. They were willing to listen to me and provided me proper care. I am forever grateful for their actions and when it felt quite hopeless, I had a new motivation: To finish the project for the

Arts Lab Report: Volunteer traveling in Romania

August is here and it has been a blast. Many things had happened in such a short amount of time. Many ups and down but in the end it was probably the most memorable month for me.  The month started off with the Mid term training we had with the tutors Sonia and Ioana. Comparing to the On-arrival training, the group has become much more smaller but at the same time the interaction between other participants has become much more closer. The tutors were really kind and I’ve got to know some other participants that I got to meet in person this month. Not doing the conference in person in Brașov was a bit demotivating but soon enough after the first two days I was motivated to participate as I had the opportunity to meet new people. Right after the online training, the organisation started the caravan event. Due to the whole pandemic the program has been delayed by many months as we couldn’t be giving out workshops to a big group of crowd. The first event took place in Butea, a village near

Arts Lab Report: With passion, you can achieve your objective

July, I would say that this month was the month where we finally did what we were supposed to do during the project. After the success of the music video about Târgu Frumos, the organization changed their focus on actual events, workshops and conferences where me as an international volunteer got to interact with all kind of new people. During the first week I was adding subtitles to the music video while also preparing workshops and other activities for the local volunteer meetings. It was exciting to see new passionate people participate in the organization who were willing to help us out in many different task but mainly in translating. The meeting with the new volunteers went great: the girls were excited to participate in the organization and it was a great introduction in getting to know each other. Each of us ESC participants were assigned with a specific volunteer and I had Bianca, someone who was enthusiastic about movies, TV shows and acting. It’s always great to have someone

Arts Lab Report: Travelling through Romania's beauties

June came and went faster than I thought. The on arrival training has finished and with the less strict condition of the alert status we were able to move around more freely (with a mask of course). My mind was concentrated on the various task that went evolving progressively even though I faced some difficulties on the way. For example, the video. If anyone follows the activities and uploads of Super Tineri knows that a video about Târgu Frumos had been published. Well behind this simple video a lot of things happened. The video was on the making before the quarantine began and there was even a shotlist (paper where the recording plans are written) ready. When the state of emergency happened, it was put on pause for two months. For this month, I was determined to finish it. I finished the video with my friends and it’s now out there displayed to the world. Now I am satisfied that it’s over and people can watch it. My intention for the crowdfunding projects things was to make documenta

Arts Lab Report: May, a restart month

A complete month of routine, preparations and tasks. That’s one way to put it. Romania transitioned from a state of emergency to a state of alert and some people were able to return to their normal routine, including us, the volunteers of Super Tineri. Our first task of May was planning out a youth exchange programme for the National Agency. Our project is about the youngsters who are interested in working within the world of Art by learning how to find a job related to their passion, build a confident curriculum for their career and even know how to cooperate with people of different backgrounds. It was the first time I ever wrote something so detailed and organized about a EU event. We dedicated so much time for this document where we all collaborated and shared our workflow. We only had one week to finish it before the deadline and those days were intense. Nevertheless, I think it was a witty experience where we learned how to communicate with various organizations, understand the m

Arts Lab Report: Hanul Choi’s April report

April started off quite well. After the first month of quarantine, things were too stable for a while so me and my colleagues got motivated and started to do some tasks. Working at home was hard for sure as I am not used to live and work in the same space. Either way, the month started off strong by recording workshop and creating rap song about the Covid-19. Because of the quarantine,  doing or practicing workshops in front of people were impossible, so we adapted immediately to the online platform. After the mild success of the drawing workshop we did, we continued right away with the next one which is how to make salt dough. That workshop was quite fun as we altogether made all kind of weird figures with the salt dough and painted it afterwards. We even made medals and started to compete between each other for it through different challenges. Spending time with friends always help psychologically and trying new things together is the solution to boredom. A second song was composed a

Arts Lab Report: March, Cold spring, Static street.

April is here and it has been weeks since I stayed in this house. The cold weather comes and goes while my companions and me struggle to get things done within the house. I came to this voluntary programme motivated to work and help out people who has some interest in culture after a long holiday and days of unemployment. The whole quarantine situation has got me down but I shouldn’t complain too much about it as there are people out there who are risking their lives to save others. So how did I spend the month of March to get over the fact that I am in isolation? Our coordinator Mihaela has given us enough task to keep ourselves busy. With my knowledge of video making I helped my colleagues in making a tutorial video. It’s always funny starting off how the person in front of the camera struggles to deliver a simple line. Somebody always ends up making a weird noise like “Auuuak” with a weird face and the camera captures that magical moment forever. The weekly Romanian classes were

People of Arts Lab: Hanul Choi

Volunteering, learning and filming   I joined this volunteering project because I was in a point where I had to start looking for a job after a late graduation from my film degree. I always wanted to work in film industry to reach my objective of becoming a film director. However, a filmmaker once said that the best filmmakers are the ones who has learned lots of life lessons, not someone who has a lot of knowledge or just talented. Until now I have been someone who barely ever got out of my comfort zone: I lived in Madrid since the day I was born and never got to live in a different place independently, away from my parents helpful hand. My passionate side has always been telling me: “ Dude, you’ve got to get out to the world. You stay here too long and you are going to end up scared for the rest of your short life. ” For that reason I took a 4 hour flight to a country that I previously had no intention of going and took a train to the small town of Târgu Frumos. It started off wel