„Implică un sat, dezvoltă o ţară!” reprezintă misiunea Festivalului Folcloristica! Prin solidaritate și activităţi de educaţie non-formală ...Read More
It was the 5th month of stay in this “Beautiful City” and I was feeling belonged more and more, everyday. It was a good coincidence that we ...Read More
The beginning of the May month starts with the arrival of Michele, new Italian volunteer. Michele is an economic student and will stay here ...Read More
September started with a lot of planning, creating structure and visualizing ideas for our one of the biggest events in youth centre – exhib...Read More
October came and the exhibition opening was looking straight on us, so last preparation works, the best execution you can give to artwork fo...Read More
În perioada august - septembrie 2020, desfășurăm Caravana Arts Lab 2.0 în 10 comunități - sate și orașe interesate din zona limitrofă orașul...Read More
We started the month traveling to Piatra Neamț, where we visited the Cucuteni museum trying to learn more about this culture. During the wo...Read More
August started with an unbearably hot weather - and less restrictions with the pandemic. We had already adapted to the situation, and were g...Read More
After one month of involvement in the Arts Lab 5.0 project, I have managed to help implement a range of the project’s planned activities. Th...Read More