
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Valentin_Denis

A guy who didn’t like procrastinating

What happens when you travel the world searching to gain more and more knowledge? Valentin has experienced that feeling and he still discovered everyday, motivated by his desire to continue his engagement in volunteering field, as he says. He started with courses for the chess club, back in Reunion, France, where he is from, then continued organizing tournaments, being an animator at different events with different topics like education, sports or music. But then he wanted more and as soon as he moved to Tunisia, he started music courses and picking up trash, which he recognizes that it was demoralizing since he had to deal with a lot of garbage. But he didn’t stop the volunteering activities and decided to try something new, in Romania.   “Travel and change the environment if you want to evolve!” he says after recalling all the things he has improved here, in Târgu Frumos, since his first day as a volunteer in ASIRYS Super Tineri organisation. “I have learnt a lot related to relations

A personal guide to successful workshops for European projects

My name is Valentin. I studied digital marketing, I'm passionate about arts and worked 8 months as a youth worker. I created and facilitated 6 workshops; Photography Lab, Music Lab, Chess Club, Digital Lab (about digital marketing and creation), Iron Mind (about argumentation and persuasion), French classes and some workshops about European values. Around 400 youngsters benefit them. In this short guide, I put everything I learnt on how to create, promote, animate and maintain a workshop in European projects context. Introduction  My coordinator is finishing her presentation speech and passing the mic to me. It's my turn to speak. In front of me, 53 Romanian students of a difficult high school are waiting to hear what a French Erasmus+ volunteer has to say. Like the 5 others members of our Arts Lab caravan, I created a workshop using arts to enhance the life of youngsters and I have a few seconds to introduce it with passion and credibility, so people decide to sign up to it, o

Arts Lab Report: My third month in Romania

The month of June started with the Miclăuşeni Festival, which was a big event for families. Asirys was participating for different tasks that support the festival, like welcoming, candy floss, taking care of visitors. I was responsible of the media covering, including mainly the event video. It’s a task that I like because it’s related to one of my main skills, video recording and editing. Also because the environment was a really nice place for this, the castle providing a good storytelling potential. I recorded a lot of scenes that I edited during the month, which was a huge work but pretty enjoyable. The feedback was good so I was happy. We continue the workshops at the youth center and I was really excited to launch Iron Mind workshop, which is about convince and persuade art, manipulation, negotiation, body language. This workshop was pretty successful as the youth center was full. We also had the Romanian night after it. I also had this month the opportunity to launch a chess clu

Arts Lab Report: New volunteers, new experiences

The beginning of the May month starts with the arrival of Michele, new Italian volunteer. Michele is an economic student and will stay here for 3 months. We introduced him to the youth center and the activities, presenting the project and the mission of Asirys. The next Sunday was marked by the arrival of Sabien, Belgian volunteer specialized in handcrafting, who will stay 6 months. Also the month of May was the month of the elaboration, testing and implementation of the art labs. I created the photography lab, who was pretty successful as the students seem interested in photography, and after the intervention were happy and able to do quick progress by showing really good and creative pictures. I also created the music lab, which for the moment is only implemented in the youth center because I want to discover some methods in order to manage a lot of people for this lab. So, I’m currently thinking of a new version that will be more adapted for big groups. The middle of the month, 24 y

Arts Lab Report: First impressions about Romania

Sandro and I arrived in Romania at the beginning of April. The first fifteen days were quiet intense because we were meeting Romania's environment, new work space and a lot of people. Among them, the Norwegian team. Through their stay we created workshops around the thematic of multiple intelligence. By small groups we started to run it in different types of schools, some that has high failure rates, particular community appurtenance, some with autistic or blind students. I was not used to this kind of work, with this kind of audience in this new environment, so the learning process was highly stimulating and efficient, despite the fatigue. The common life and structure of the place we stayed was an interesting human experience, as Alin, our host, and Nikolia, made us feel comfortable and introduced us to the Romanian life. Meanwhile Mihaela try her best to support our arrival and planning our activities. So, the Norwegians and us get the most we can from this experience. After tho