
Se afișează postări din 2018

My second month as international volunteer in Romania

  ... So continuing my EVS trip in Tirgu Frumos. Thanks to Mihaela - the project coordinator, Dragoş - my mentor, Alin - my Romanian teacher and the volunteers of our organisation, Asirys, I had another wonderful month in Romania that passed so fast, full of new information, new pictures, new trips and many new friends. From the first days of the month we continued our cooperation with the local shop where we organized some meetings with the volunteers and discussed about the Greek intercultural day. We also started an event called "Thank God it's Friday", where we are presenting each Friday, European movies in our youth center for the volunteers and all people interested. The first movie we saw it was a German one which was followed by an interesting conversation about the message and what we can learn from it. During the weekend, I visited the botanical garden in Iasi and saw a lot of flowers and trees that grow in the country this season. The second week started with

Rroma HeArt Newspaper

Did you see the latest version of "Rroma HeArt" newspaper? If not, here is it!

It’s EUr time! 7 countries, 42 participants, 1 goal

Asap Europe, an NGO based in Fasano, Italy, has organised an Erasmus+ youth exchange covering the issues of active citizenship and youth participation. The project named “Ci Piace” gathered 42 participants from Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece for the period of one week. The participants explored the topic with the methodology of non-formal learning. The issues were tackled interactively through group-work and entertaining sessions, including role-playing, theatre, posters, drawing, video creation and more. One of the goals was to reflect on our role in the society and how we can engage better within it.  As part of the activities the members of the project got the chance to attend a meeting with the city mayor and a representative of the city council. It allowed them to get an insight into the issues that are discouraging Fasano’s youngsters to engage actively in their community. At the end of the project the participants ran a campaign to promote activ

How it was my On-Arrival Training?!

I arrived at the Rin hotel i n Bucharest on the afternoon of 21st of October and from the beginning, I knew is gonna be a wonderful week! The first team I met w as the Turkish team and immediately I understood why I want to spend m y year doing volunteering in Romania! Everyone was so happy, we were chanting for hours telling about our lives, our differences, and our commons. We ended the day with a very interesting visit to the old center of Bucharest. We went to a T urkish corner and we ate baklava and drink tea, things that we both have in our countries! In the first day of the training, we played the game of representing ourselves and our names in a way that everyone would remember. It was a bit hard at the beginning to remember all the 25 names of the participants, but it was interesting the way everyone presented him/herself. Then we played a game in which we had to pick Dixit cards that were on the floor that represent us, we were walking around the room, discussed

October 2018: My first volunteering month in Romania

As you may know, we are hosting at the moment our first EVS volunteer, Nikolia, from Greece. She will spend 12 months with us, helping to develop our youth center and create a more active community by volunteering! Each month our volunteer, Nikolia Papadopoulou will share her experience in Romania through a small report which we will post it on our blog. I will start my article sharing with you what I learned every week but firstly I would like to thank Mihaela, the project coordinator, who gave me the opportunity to learn all these things, to my mentor Dragoş who supported me, my Romanian language teacher Alin who helped and teach me the language and the history of Romania and to the volunteers of Asirys who helped walk in the EVS path. From the first week I learned from Mihaela a lot about Erasmus + programs, as she informed me about it and answered my questions. I met my mentor Dragos and talked about our cooperation during the program. Mihaela showed me the way to write yout

Youth Exchange CI PIACE

“CI PIACE” is a 9 days mobility of young people - Youth exchange, organized by ASAP Europe in Fasano, Italy from 19th to 27th of October 2018 that involves 42 young people and youth leaders from Italy, Poland, Macedonia, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Bulgaria. The youth exchange will explore the concepts of citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular and active participation of young people in social, economic and political life. The project tackles the issues of declined trends of social, economic and political engagement of citizens on national and European level, low trust in democratic institutions and representatives, little or no interest and knowledge of citizen’s rights and obligations, partial understanding of work and role of EU institutions and decision-making process in the Union. That’s why the youth exchange will address and raise awareness about all of these issues and will educate, motivate and equip young people with competences to take active part

YE: Is tourism the answer for a better future?

ABOUT THE PROJECT   At the youth exchange "is tourism the answer for a better future?" youngsters from 5 different countries (Slovenia, Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania) will come together to learn about tourism and the development of our regions from where we are coming from. Europe still didn't recover from the world financial crisis. The youngsters are still afraid of their future, because the employers are searching for young people that are 23 years old but they should have 20 - 30 years of experience. We all know that this is not possible. On the other side, young people still don't get the chance to prove themselves to the local community that they are strong enough to manage something new and big. Tourism is one of the most fastest growing industries in the world. People will always travel, because time of traveling got shorter, traveling got more comfortable and even the whole traveling got cheap and almost everyone can afford it now. We will expl

Good news: Sports Activator is approved!

In April we applied to Sport Small Collaborative Partnerships, an action of Erasmus+ programme, and we were informed by the Executive Agency that the project is approved!  Sports Activator (SpAct) is a small collaborative partnerships project with 3 main activities, involving 8 non-profit private and public partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Turkey.  The aim of Sports Activator is to raise the awareness on the value of sport and physical activity in relation to the personal, social and professional development of individuals. To achieve this aim, the projects has to accomplish the following objectives: To build a transnational network in the field of sport by organizing one transnational seminar among 33 youth workers, facilitators, trainers, teachers, coaches, volunteers, staff involved in sports clubs from Europe, youth passionate about sports, from Romania, Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria and Turkey, in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good

Schimbul de tineri: Let's stand up for tolerance

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Project Let's stand up for tolerance will encourage young people to be more tolerant to other nationalities, races, ethnic minorities, migrants and other groups. We want to spread awareness that we all have equal human rights. We will learn about hate speech, its manifestation and effects. As the largest channel through which hate speech is spread we will also learn about media and internet. We will learn of critical reading of media content.  During the project we will run the campaign to promote tolerance and combating hate speech. Youth exchange will be implemented between 28th of September and 6th of October 2018 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia and will bring together 36 youth and youth workers from Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Romania and Portugal. Project will also include youth with fewer opportunities. Participants will gain wider range of competences. They will improve their knowledge of foreign languages, improve their intercultural cooperation, meet n

Invitaţie la Folcloristica, ediţia a IV-a

Dragi prieteni,  Avem plăcerea să vă invităm la ediţia a IV-a a Festivalului Folcloristica, ce va avea loc în acest an, la Tomeşti, jud. Iaşi, în perioada 15-16 septembrie 2018. Cu sprijinul partenerilor noştri: Asociaţia Youth Alma şi Primăria Tomeşti, vom organiza un festival folcloric altfel, integrând metode de educaţie non-formală, experienţe ale proiectelor Erasmus+ în care suntem implicaţi, vom scoate la rampă talentele locale şi vom descoperi patrimoniul cultural al satelor ieşene.  Invitaţia se adresează :  1.  Meşterilor , adică acelor persoane ce au un talent sau o pasiune în meşterit, de exemplu: împletit, gătit, ţesut, pielărie, pictat, gătit etc., dispuşi să împărtăşească cu participanţii la festival câteva dintre tainele pasiunilor lor. 2.  Artiştilor - persoane talentate în arte folclorice: dans, cântec, muzică, teatru, tradiţii de iarnă etc. 3. Şcolilor şi elevilor ce doresc să se implice în proiecte Erasmus+ şi să-şi prezinte talentele şi resursele.  4.

Implică-te, fii super tânăr!

În perioada 1-2 septembrie 2018, suntem implicaţi în festivalul " Călătorie la 1900 ", organizat de Castelul Miclăuşeni, iar în perioada 15-16 septembrie 2018, ne ocupăm alături de Asociaţia Youth Alma şi Primăria Tomeşti, de organizarea ediţiei a IV-a a Festivalului Folcloristica . La ambele evenimente avem nevoie de voluntari, astfel că lansăm un apel deschis pentru tinerii cu vârsta 16+, interesaţi să acumuleze experienţe frumoase alături de o echipă creativă, prietenoasă, deschisă. După evenimente, pe 21 dintre voluntarii noştri, îi vom trimite în proiecte Erasmus+ , în Slovenia şi Italia. Pentru a te înscrie, tot ce trebuie să faci e să completezi acest formular , iar noi o să te contactăm.

Training “Systematic Approach to Youthwork” - 15-22 septembrie, Polonia

This call is open for our Romanian volunteers and partners. About the project Project “Systematic Approach to Youthwork” project consist of one activity – a seminar, which will be implemented in Krzyżowa, Poland, from 15th to 22nd of September 2018. The project is developed by 8 partners from 7 countries (Poland, Croatia, Macedonia, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Romania) and will gather 28 youthworkers, volunteers and local leaders. The seminar will be run mainly using non-formal education methods, such as discussions, presentations, simulation, games, group work and meetings. Our main aim is to share good practices and learn ways of local cooperation between NGOs, local authorities, education institutions, and othe actors.  The expected outcome of the project will be growth of cooperation of youth NGOs with other local actors, resulting in better quality local project and wider impact of implemented activities on target groups. Our aims and objectives The main aim of the pro

Oportunităţi Erasmus+: Te trimitem în Europa!

În ultimii 10 ani, am trimis aprox. 700 de tineri în peste 250 de proiecte internaţionale. Anul acesta, am participat deja la 5 mobilităţi în Cipru, Slovenia şi Finlanda, iar în perioada următoare, îi invităm pe voluntarii şi partenerii noştri, să beneficieze de alte oportunităţi de mobilitate: 1. Schimb de tineri - "4R – Recycle - Reuse- Reduce- Rethink", 18-26 August 2018, APV: 27-29 iulie 2018, Agros, Cipru, 9 participanţi (8 tineri + 1 lider) Beneficiari: Ioana Ursache (lider), Victor Ionuţ Cozma, Constantin Cristinel Păiuş, Ştefana Vintilă, Mădălina Mujdei, Călin Doleanu, Andreea Cornelia Cazacu, Casian Isac, Andrei Tihan 2. Training “ Systematic Approach to Youthwork ” - 15-22 septembrie, Polonia, 3 participanţi Beneficiari: Dragoş Andrei Preutescu, Corina Giurgia, Raluca Mariana Ciudin 3. Schimb de tineri " Let's Stand Up for Tolerance ", 28 septembrie – 6 octombrie 2018, Murska Sobota, Slovenia, 7 participanţi (6 tineri + 1 lider) Beneficiari:

Rroma HeArt - first two days

Our organisation, SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS), hosted between 3-14 August 2018, "Rroma HeArt" youth exchange, involving 40 young people from 8 countries. During the 10 days mobility, we had also guests from Moldova and France, and we involved local partners and citizens from 5 villages and 2 cities. In the first two days of the exchange,  40+ young people from Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Romania, got to know each other’s, learnt about the Rroma culture of Târgu Frumos and of the countries involved, worked in national and international groups, experienced Improvisation Theater, made presentations and prepared the plan for the experiential museum of European Rroma. During the evenings, the participants presented their countries, we were impressed by the Turkish dervish dance which was the perfect intro of the coming days!   We were happy to have with us 6 members of "Youth Alma" Association, one of our good partners from Iaşi. Alexandra, o