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Call for writers: European Dignities - Spring Edition 2015

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal provides to young people from all over Europe, a way to communicate and express, to demonstrate and discuss about what is happening around them. Therefore, European Dignities is the Voice of Europe's Youth! The first 4 issues had a great success and it can be read here: 1. 2. 3. 4.  The journal has accreditation and it is registered as: ISSN 2360 – 6355. If you want to have a contribution, please send it to us at Bellow you can check the thematic, sections and general rules for the magazine. At the beginning of 2015 our NGO, “Super Youth” ASIRYS will celebrate 6 years of activity. So we decided to put together in the fifth issue of our journal all the important projects and their r

Call for writers: European Dignities - Winter Edition

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal provides to young people from all over Europe, a way to communicate and express, to demonstrate and discuss about what is happening around them. Therefore, European Dignities is the Voice of Europe's Youth! The first 2 issues had a great success and you can read them   HERE   and   HERE . The journal has accreditation and it is registered as: ISSN 2360 – 6355. If you want to have a contribution, please send it to us at Bellow you can check the thematic, sections and general rules for the magazine.  Maybe you remember a #song, a beautiful poem or some good lines from movies. This is the reason why at the end of 2014 we want to give the opportunity to everyone that have some special lines to share it for our readers. From Goethe to Whitman, from Woody Allen to Lana del Rey we are sure of the wonderful lines and the healthy environment for understanding created by them. Like W. Whitman said – “I am enamour’d of growing

Call for writers: European Dignities - Autumn Edition

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal provides to young people from all over Europe, a way to communicate and express, to demonstrate and discuss about what is happening around them. Therefore, European Dignities is the Voice of Europe's Youth! The first 2 issues had a great success and you can read them HERE and HERE . The journal has accreditation and it is registered as: ISSN 2360 – 6355, ISSN-L 2360 – 6355. If you want to have a contribution, please send it to us at Bellow you can check the thematic, sections and general rules for the magazine.  For the third number, the topic is "European Youth Capital 2015 - Cluj-Napoca". We want to bring in attention intercultural experiences and not only that a city, considered as one of the youth in Europe, proposed a series of events and manifestations of this type for a year. We want to hear details, to discuss about the experiences and programs proposed by the organizers from Cluj-Napoca in 2015. M

General rules for European Dignities Journal

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal will have in its structure several sections where young people may regularly contribute with articles, photos reports, images, pictures, interviews, surveys, etc. The magazine will be published in English (for a greater accessibility to young audience in Europe) and if necessary, it can be translated into other international languages (French, Spanish). Here are some proposals for sections:  Troubleshooters - a section dedicated to photo reports. Our desire is to promote the art of reportage among young people.  Liberal arts – this is a section dedicated to all the fine arts which are appreciated, promoted and even created by the young people. Be it film, theater, dance, sculpture, painting, it is a good opportunity of knowing and enjoying our current visual arts and more.  Urban legends – what happens in your hometown? This is the basic question one has to start from, especially the authors who want to contribute to this section. We can promote ev

Call for writers: European Dignities - Summer Edition

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal provides to young people from all over Europe, a way to communicate and express, to demonstrate and discuss about what is happening around them. Therefore, European Dignities is the Voice of Europe's Youth! The fist issue had a great success and you can read it HERE . The journal has accreditation and it is registered as: ISSN 2360 – 6355, ISSN-L 2360 – 6355. If you want to have a contribution, please send it to us at Bellow you can check the thematic, sections and general rules for the magazine. For the second  issue the thematic is " words of folk wisdom ” – old saying, sayings, proverb, adage, wise thought, short sentence with a general view about any aspect of life. If you send us an article, photo, please write the words chosen also in your own mother tongue. Will be interesting to see how it sounds in the original languages also. Regarding the thematic, we invite you to read some of the opinions of our jo

European Dignities Journal - call for writers!

Writing was the essential element regarding the personal, cultural and social development of today’s any geographic and demographic area. In the writing forms one can accurately insert both different realities and fiction that put together the value of human creativity. But we also know for sure, that writing is a complex communication process, that induces new cultural and social cohesion structures, understanding the daily realities but more, it describes a sort of ”art of life”. Whether it is about people, places, facts, actions and innovative brave approaches, only writing will carry and balance what is happening. Therefore making an European magazine that provides young people all over Europe, with a way to communicate and express, demonstrate and discuss what is happening around them, is quite needed. Being at the heights of social changes and guidelines, it is indicated that we know and understand the social realities and at the same time to connect to the values, principles a

Soft people with fresh ideas – European Dignities alert!

Young people in Europe are becoming very connected to and interested in the issues, solutions and good practices in the various communities that each one belongs to, topics considered as a great source of information. But all these need a good channel of communication and interaction. At the bottom of a continuous development, a conscious progress or modernization process, stand suitable information and knowledge transmission. Information and knowledge going together achieve a higher degree of efficiency that we are used to normally, especially in an era of digital information and knowledge.  Digitized information aims passing over the barriers, constantly communicating, exchanging remarks and experiences in the fullness of our actions and knowledge. Between informing and knowing lies a more important element – filtration – or better said, veracity and coherence of what we transmit and receive.    For this reason, one of the most useful tools in transmission of knowledge and informa

Soft people with fresh ideas – European Dignities alert!

Tinerii din Europa devin foarte conectați și interesați de problemele, soluțiile și bunele practici pe care diferitele comunități din care facem și fac parte,  au devenit o sursă bună de informare. Însă toate acestea trebuie să aibă și un bun canal de comunicare și de interacțiune. La baza unei dezvoltări continue, a unui progres conștient sau a unui proces de modernizare, stă buna informare și transmiterea cunoștințelor. Informarea și cunoașterea dacă merg împreună, dau un randament peste cotele la care suntem obișnuiți. Mai ales într-o eră a informației și cunoașterii digitalizate. Digitalizarea aceasta ne ajută să depășim bariere, să comunicăm constant, să facem schimb de replici și experiențe în deplinătatea acțiunilor și cunoștințelor noastre. Între informare și cunoaștere stă un element și mai important – filtrarea – sau mai frumos spus, veridicitate și coerență în ceea ce transmitem și ceea ce primim. Din acest motiv, unul dintre uneltele cele mai folositoare transmiterii de