
Arts Lab 5.0: Dajana Zharassov, Germany - Month 1

I can't believe it has already been one month. I often think about how one day I will wake up, and my experience in Romania will be over in the blink of an eye. However, this one month has already brought me so many exciting things and many wonderful new friends, and I truly believe I will feel very fulfilled when this project ends. As for my work and experience here, on the first day I arrived, we went to the Cucuteni Jazz Festival, where I did photography. The music festival, the performing artists, and the crafters there were wonderful. It was a bit stressful since I had just arrived in Romania, but I'm happy that I got to attend this festival. Looking back, dancing to jazz music under the stars and then cozying up in a blanket with my friends is truly an unforgettable memory. It was only my first day in Romania, but it already felt like one of the most memorable days of my life. In the following days, we welcomed all the other volunteers here and got to know each other. I w

Arts Lab 5.0: Sena Yavuz, Turkey - Month 1

 It's only been a month since I came to Romania, but I have to admit that I already feel at home. Even now, I don't know how to put into words what I experienced and felt, so I can't even imagine the intensity of my feelings at the end of the project. Sharing a house with 12 different artists from completely different cultures; learning, teaching, and producing together is a challenging but satisfying feeling. Day by day, we began to understand and discover each other better. I realize that our bonds are getting stronger every day and we meet on more common ground. We have already started to have some traditions. Kitchen meetings at around 2 a.m., nightly meetings in the coziest room of our house, dinners we all eat together as a big family, and much more. We have already adopted a puppy we found at the train station, like a real family. The most exciting and loving creature I have ever seen in my life. He makes me feel very good when, while walking normally in the house, h

Arts Lab 5.0: Ahmed Hakmi, Morocco - Month 1

It's been a whole month since I started my amazing adventure as a volunteer in Romania, and it's been a time filled with unforgettable experiences and personal growth. When I think back, I remember the moment I eagerly signed up for the project, feeling really excited. On September 14th, I arrived in Târgu Frumos and was warmly welcomed by Mihaela and some friends who were already here. All my worries disappeared, I felt safe and like I belonged when I stepped into the Super Tineri (ASIRYS) Center and met my colleagues Muhammed, Sena, Hassan, Carla, Raph, and Raphaelle. Together, we started an incredible journey. Over the past few weeks, I've had the pleasure of getting to know all the other volunteers and learning about their countries and traditions. Through this shared experience, we quickly became close friends and began to understand the Arts Lab 5.0 project, especially the idea of alternative museums like Folklore, Cucuteni, Jewish Memorial Open Museum, and Rroma Muse

Arts Lab 5.0: Hajer Ben Hadj Sghaier, Tunisia - Month 1

I have volunteered for a month so far in Târgu Frumos with Arts Lab 5.0. It has been a month full of events and emotions. I got to know wonderful people from different countries and cultures. I was very nervous at first, but then I became very comfortable with them and we became like a family. During this month, we visited many places and families, and I was truly amazed by the beauty and elegance of the rural homes. I was fascinated with the traditional outfits of the locals and the amount of detail in the designs. I also enjoyed the traditional dancing, singing and music.  The generosity of the people who hosted and welcomed us warmly was remarkable. We also visited many museums, such as the Cucuteni Museum and a couple of others. We attended art galleries for many artists in the city of Iași. We contributed to organizing Folcloristica event and did a lot of volunteer work in schools. I was very happy to be involved in the school projects because I love children and I love spending t

Arts Lab 5.0: Violeta Roca, Spain - Month 1

This month I have done so many things that it is difficult for me to remember and put in order everything I have experienced.  To begin with, we went to different craft fairs and I loved seeing the different products from Romania, the traditional dances and songs... Then we organized the folkloric festival, which was a very intense experience of meeting many local people, organizing many activities and feel very surrounded by cultural traditions.  After the festival we had a few days to rest and discovered the city of Iași at the gallery night, where we could see local art.  Last week we started the first artistic residency in a school that was a bit complicated, but even so we were able to carry out the workshops so I am happy with the experience, and we have also carried out the first caravan in Piatra Neamț which has been a very different and interesting experience, especially the archaeological visit to Cucuteni. I don't think I've had any big problems or many real problems

Arts Lab 5.0: Carla Ditmeyer, Bolivia - Month 1

To be honest, my first month in this project was an emotional whirlwind from which a rebirth emerged, mostly positive and filled with love for art, people, and everything that now surrounds me, which I call home today. I was the first to arrive at this house, the first to imagine what this big house filled with people and vitality would be like. The truth is that, at first, the house, while it felt welcoming, filled with materials, paintings, books, and art, also felt intimidating, large, and full of stories told and yet to be told. From the very first day, they invited me to pick up the camera and create. It was intimidating. Along with Mihaela and other local volunteers, we went to a Jazz music festival in Cucuteni. I was amazed by the beauty of the place, the warmness of the people, and the quality of the event, as the participating artists were all incredibly talented. I was responsible for capturing some general shots of the event, but I felt intense fear because of the pressure t

Arts Lab 5.0: Muhammed Awed Badr Ali, Egypt - Month 1

In the first month in Romania, I participated in many events also joined in interviews, and made workshops at schools. This report is about everything my journey, what we did and how we felt during our activities. Me and my friends went to Todirești, Pașcani and Piatra Neamț together and had the chance to interview amazing people who were very creative in what they do. We learned about how they make their art, how they work hard to keep traditional methods alive, and how much they love what they do, how organized they are in everything.  I did workshops in schools. I taught different things like music and writing song. I am a singer and songwriter, so I shared what I know. The students were really excited and curious about music, so me and the kids wrote a song about Romania and we made the melody for it. It made me happy to see them be creative and get better during the workshops. I felt happy really and good inside because I tried to help keep traditional arts alive. which inspired m