
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2019

Incursiune în lumea dacilor: Festivalul "Getodava" Cucuteni 2019

La Cucuteni, mereu te cuprinde un sentiment inedit, unic, care te îmbie spre a descoperi și redescoperi din istoria și cultura noastră, însă în weekend-ul ce tocmai a trecut, am avut parte și de o experiență prin care am avut prilejul de a aminti de strămoșii noștri.  Festivalul Getodava a construit o atmosferă care ne-a întors pe toți cu câteva mii de ani în urmă, și am avut parte de ateliere și activități interactive, menite să ne aducă aminte de evoluția noastră de-a lungul timpului și cum am pornit spre ceea ce astăzi este România. Echipa de organizatori și voluntari a fost foarte bine pregătită, astfel că fiecare participant a reușit să aducă festivalului un plus, prin seriozitate, echilibru, implicare, dedicare, generozitate și energie. Toată lumea a știut ce are de făcut, au implicat publicul, au fost foarte deschiși cu oricine a dorit mai multe informații, fotografii sau o conversație interesantă. Cadrul în care s-au desfășurat toate activitățile a fost deosebit, s-a remarca

Eight months in Romania - My EVS Experience

The last month of the spring arrived. But in Romania is like we have the four seasons in one day. Morning is Spring, afternoon is Summer, evening is Autumn and the night is the Winter. Yes, it is very different than my country Greece and yes, I do miss the sea air especially in the hot afternoons. But I wouldn’t change for anything in the world everything I learnt during these eight months I am in Romania, doing my EVS. So this month I was inspired by a wonderful workshop a local volunteer did in our youth center about journalism and I would like to present what I learnt this month by taking an interview to myself. - So please, could you tell us, did you do something this month that you haven’t done before?   Well yes. Actually every month I have the feeling I do things I haven’t done before. This month with another international volunteer, we were going almost every Wednesday in Paşcani, where we did Romanian dances. We learnt how to dance hora and polka. So we will use what we lea

Arts Lab Report: Artistic May

In May, we started to create workshops on an artistic theme such as painting, music, photography and dance, which serves to stimulate the creativity of students and young people. Also, they will give them the possibility to express themselves artistically. It is also an effective way to promote non-formal education. The objectives of the association and the project include combating social discrimination, alcoholism and violence. These issues were also addressed during the time we worked with other volunteers from other associations, who collaborated in our projects for a week, giving us the opportunity to get to know each other and to identify the different social problems of the country without neglecting the rights and duties of the volunteers. We had a training in the capital, Bucharest, for the professional growth of the volunteer which allowed us to meet people from all over the world. During this training we had the chance to express our thoughts on our tasks and we talked to ar

Arts Lab Report: A month of firsts

Airports are grey and smell of chemicals, at least that was the idea that I had. To bathe in the scent of flowers and spring was not on my list of expectations when I imagined myself taking my first steps on Romanian ground. But the air was the first thing that surprised me: no penetration of industrial gases but a welcoming fragrance of blossoming trees. Trying a really good dessert that appeared to be Hungarian and not Romanian and of which I forgot the name, crazy skies heavy of thunderstorms, my first glass of ţuica, eating delicious sarmale, witnessing interesting negotiation techniques with an initially reluctant local professional, seeing the commitment of local volunteers, the slight panic I felt right before giving my first ever workshop in the local school, struggling with language barriers, being welcomed on a school with a huge breakfast while they don’t even have running water, and lots more. These are some of the first things I've done in Romania. So what have I been

Erasmus Internship Testimonials: Michele Martio, Italy

I started my experience in the Asirys association on second of May when I arrived in the Iasi airport. Everyone were there to welcome me as one of their own, Mihaela, the coordinator and the other volunteers. During my first days I visited the organization's center and the other volunteers explain me the several projects that the association is planning and how it works. The next Sunday we went to the airport because Sabien, the Belgian girl, came to join us. After her coming we were six volunteers and our group was now complete. When the next week came everyone of us start their own workshop, I decided to coordinate the sport workshop, so we went in the Târgu Frumos schools to present and involve the kids in our work. They seemed very excited to participate to the games that I prepared for them. Also I started to meet the local volunteers and learning a lot about the Romanian culture, and it was very inspiring for me. Ştefana, an 18 years old local volunteer, said that since w

Seminar: Sports Activator, 1-7 July 2019

Interested in sports? Open to share your experience and design a European sport event? Youth worker doing or willing to use sports for community development? Then apply for Sports Activator!  Sports Activator seminar aims to build a transnational network in the field of sport in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The transnational seminar Sports Activator is targeting 33 youth workers, facilitators, trainers, coaches, staff involved in sports clubs from Europe, youth passionate about sports. The main result will be the creation of a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices aiming to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The seminar will take place in Romania, between 1-7 July 2019.  The seminar will be based on non-formal education methodology and during the seminar, we will use the Open Space Technology (OST) method in which we will let the

Arts Lab Report: New volunteers, new experiences

The beginning of the May month starts with the arrival of Michele, new Italian volunteer. Michele is an economic student and will stay here for 3 months. We introduced him to the youth center and the activities, presenting the project and the mission of Asirys. The next Sunday was marked by the arrival of Sabien, Belgian volunteer specialized in handcrafting, who will stay 6 months. Also the month of May was the month of the elaboration, testing and implementation of the art labs. I created the photography lab, who was pretty successful as the students seem interested in photography, and after the intervention were happy and able to do quick progress by showing really good and creative pictures. I also created the music lab, which for the moment is only implemented in the youth center because I want to discover some methods in order to manage a lot of people for this lab. So, I’m currently thinking of a new version that will be more adapted for big groups. The middle of the month, 24 y

Arts Lab Report: My second month in Romania

This month was different, in a good way, as the weather improved. By saying this I mean that the weather stopped being cold and rainy. What I like the most about this country is its landscapes and that everything smells very good. During this month I have improved my English. I want to travel through Romania in order to learn more about its culture and people, because they are different depending on the geographical area (north, south, east, west). I would also like to have more language classes here in order to communicate easier with people here. Also, it is very similar to Spanish and I can learn it easily. At the end of the month we went to Bucharest, which I really loved because the center smells like flowers and the people are super nice and friendly. I met during the training week volunteers from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey, Georgia, Algeria and many more. Different cultures, different education, different way of thinking; I had the opportunity to talk with each one and their s