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Arts Lab Report: The beginning of an adventure

Hi, I'm Sandro, I'm twenty-six and I come from Sardinia, an island in Italy. I left for Romania about a month ago to start a volunteering project. Why? Because I have a dream: to be able to give an emotion and help people with my artistic expression, painting. From the very first days the Asirys association welcomed me warmly, introducing me to other volunteers from other parts of the world such as France, Norway, Belgium, Mexico and Romania. Despite my elementary English I didn't have big problems communicating, they were all patient and understanding and thanks to this environment I was impressed to know the diversity of culture and tradition of the different countries. In the following days I collaborated with them in some nearby schools with children of all ages. It was a very strong experience. I helped blind children to express themselves with artistic games, I played with other kids to give them the opportunity to open their minds, to be curious to know the world wit

Arts Lab Report: First impressions about Romania

Sandro and I arrived in Romania at the beginning of April. The first fifteen days were quiet intense because we were meeting Romania's environment, new work space and a lot of people. Among them, the Norwegian team. Through their stay we created workshops around the thematic of multiple intelligence. By small groups we started to run it in different types of schools, some that has high failure rates, particular community appurtenance, some with autistic or blind students. I was not used to this kind of work, with this kind of audience in this new environment, so the learning process was highly stimulating and efficient, despite the fatigue. The common life and structure of the place we stayed was an interesting human experience, as Alin, our host, and Nikolia, made us feel comfortable and introduced us to the Romanian life. Meanwhile Mihaela try her best to support our arrival and planning our activities. So, the Norwegians and us get the most we can from this experience. After tho

Erasmus + 2019: Te trimitem în Europa / Lume!

În ultimii 11 ani, am trimis aprox. 750 de tineri în peste 260 de proiecte internaţionale. Acest articol conţine lista de oportunităţi de mobilitate, pe care o oferim în 2019, voluntarilor, colaboratorilor şi partenerilor noştri. Lista e împărţită în două categorii. Proiecte Erasmus Plus - KA1 :  Training "EU Briefing training", Zlotoryja, Polonia - 23-26 aprilie 2019 - Luiza Maria Pantiru, Dragoş Ionuţ Spatariu   Training "Gender out of the Box", Durres, Albania - 2-10 mai 2019, 3 participanţi Training "HERO: human rights education opportunity", Karlovac, Croaţia - 3-10 august 2019 Training "Employability Boost Laboratory", Trikala, Grecia, ultima săptămână din august 2019 Schimb de tineri "The World of Roma", Rakican Castle, Slovenia, septembrie 2019, 6 participanţi Training "Imagine your Dance"  Navarra, Spania, 14-20 octombrie 2019 Proiecte Erasmus Plus - KA2 :  Gender Out Of The Box - 15 November 2018 –

Inteligenţele multiple sau de ce m-aş întoarce la şcoală?

De ce m-aş întoarce la şcoală? Asta e întrebarea pe care mi-am pus-o şi eu cu câteva zile în urmă când Nikolia, un voluntar din Grecia, venit în Târgu Frumos printr-un proiect EVS, m-a rugat să o ajut cu un program în cadrul liceului Petru Rareş, numit "Programul de dezvoltare a inteligenţelor multiple", care a presupus ca timp de două ore pe zi, să interacţionăm cu 15-20 de elevi şi să le explicăm prin metode non-formale, conceptul inteligenţelor multiple. La început am vrut să refuz, gândindu-mă ca şi voi, că am aşteptat doisprezece ani să termin liceul iar acum nu ar trebui să mă întorc acolo de bună voie. Până la urmă am acceptat fiindcă am mai lucrat şi în alte ocazii cu Nikolia şi am făcut-o bine, dar şi fiindcă nu am vrut să o las să se lupte singură cu traducerea engleză-română. Prima zi a început cu o uimire plăcută din partea elevilor şi profesorilor, majoritatea neştiind de ce sunt doi străini în şcoală, dar şi din partea noastră văzând un număr mare de elevi l

Call for Erasmus+ Partners: MultipleQ

In an ever-changing world, which is tormented by a political and economic crisis, conflicts and the loss of cultural identity, we need youth workers that are adaptive, capable of tackling the changes, driven by a constant need for bringing something new and innovative for problem-solving. In line with this, the needs of young people are constantly changing and that is why youth work has to be able to adjust itself to these changes and should be able to give adequate support. The project „Multiple Q” is connecting organisations, youth workers, volunteers and young people to work in a proactive and innovative way in order to design a quality approach for youth work, improving the methodologies and the capacity to work with young people. The project aim is to develop an innovative curriculum to be applied by youth workers and organizations in order to both improve and prove the youth work impact and value in the lives of young people and for society. The project wants to involve at leas

The story of Rroma HeArt & Experiential Rroma Museum (ERM)

The Experiential Rroma Museum is the main result of the „Rroma HeArt” Erasmus+ project, a youth exchange developed by SUPER TINERI in partnership with 8 organisations from Europe.   The museum is not a place presenting objects and history, it is the place where you feel, where you live, where you learn and understand by experience how is to be a Rroma, approaching all the stereotypes: the music, the dance, the food and the lack of resources. The museum draws attention to those stereotypes and fights against them by making young people to personally experience the context where many Rroma are forced to live. At the end, with the right debriefing, the participants are becoming more aware and more tolerant regarding the needs, the lives and the challenges of Rroma community. The Experiential Rroma Museum was more effective in promoting tolerance, and diversity than any other activity about Rroma and minority rights, we did.    The story of the youth exchange During the first two day

Approved KA2: Empowering Youth in Uganda through EVS

Empowering Youth in Uganda through EVS is a KA2 - Capacity Building project, financed by Erasmus +. The project consists of 12 main activities, 2 transnational meetings and 2 mobility of youth workers activities.  Activity 1: Creation of Project Management Tools and Settlement of the Project . Activity 2: Transnational Meeting in Kampala, Uganda (4th Month) The transnational meeting will be based on round table discussions and study visits to the Ugandan organization's sites to see how the situation is and what can be useful to implement with the involvement of EVS volunteers. Every organization will involve one participant who will be responsible for dealing with the recruitment of volunteers as well as educational materials. We will create a work plan for the project, deliverables and check the measurables during the project. Activity 3: Development of Educational Material and E-learning Module (3th – 6th Month) Activity 4: E-learning module   (6th – 8th Month) The participa

Approved KA2: Gender Out Of The Box

Gender in a BOX is a transnational project (KA2 Capacity Building), involving 9 partner countries, with a set of well composed skills and experience among the consortium which proposes to work "differently" on gender issues, starting from educating young boys and men, in order to achieve gender equality and equity. The project is composed of 5 main actions in capacity building in local level and mobility activities. The main aim of the project is raise the capacities of youth organizations on promoting gender equality through working with young boys and men, while targeting them as the main actors not only as the cause of the problem. As well it seeks to equip participants with concrete tools and methods they can use in local level to include more boys and men in gender equality through youth work. The project will take place 15 November 2018 – 14 January 2020. OBJECTIVES : 1. Train youth workers/leaders and young people with approaches to working with young boys and

Call for Volunteers: Arts Lab Erasmus+ 6 months mobility

We are looking for 4 young people, aged between 18 and 30, from European Union countries, to be part of 6-month Erasmus+ volunteering mobility, in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania. The project is adressing youth passionate about dance, painting, music, photography, cooking, crafts and/or other cultural activities. The topics of the project are social inclusion, cultural heritage, creativity and culture. The volunteering activities will be diverse and involve the development of social, intercultural, civic and entrepreneurial skills and competences. Some of the activities that the 4 volunteers will carry out are: a caravan promoting non-formal education and European volunteering in 5 communities,   developing a personal project in the cultural field, artistic workshops, develop and promote the Experiential Rroma Museum,   organization of a conference to promote volunteering and the Erasmus + program among young people and youth leaders from several communities in the region.