
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Arts_Lab

A personal guide to successful workshops for European projects

My name is Valentin. I studied digital marketing, I'm passionate about arts and worked 8 months as a youth worker. I created and facilitated 6 workshops; Photography Lab, Music Lab, Chess Club, Digital Lab (about digital marketing and creation), Iron Mind (about argumentation and persuasion), French classes and some workshops about European values. Around 400 youngsters benefit them. In this short guide, I put everything I learnt on how to create, promote, animate and maintain a workshop in European projects context. Introduction  My coordinator is finishing her presentation speech and passing the mic to me. It's my turn to speak. In front of me, 53 Romanian students of a difficult high school are waiting to hear what a French Erasmus+ volunteer has to say. Like the 5 others members of our Arts Lab caravan, I created a workshop using arts to enhance the life of youngsters and I have a few seconds to introduce it with passion and credibility, so people decide to sign up to it, o

Caravana Arts Lab

Căutăm 5 licee, organizaţii şi instituţii din diverse comunităţi, care se adresează tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 15-19 ani, şi doresc să beneficieze de o activitate de diseminare a rezultatelor proiectului de voluntariat european, Arts Lab. Activităţile caravanei vor dura 3 ore, fiind structurate astfel: 🦸‍♀️ prezentarea experienţelor voluntarilor internaţionali prin diverse metode non-formale, 👨‍🎨 ateliere pe arte şi dezvoltare personală facilitate de voluntarii Erasmus+ (fotografie, arheologie, teatru, dans, pictură, inteligenţe multiple), 🎯 sesiune de voluntariat pentru şcoala/comunitate, unde elevii vor identifica probleme, vor defini soluţii si vor crea un mini-proiect, pe care îl pot implementa ulterior prin intermediul Corpului European de Solidaritate. Elevii vor afla cum pot beneficia de mobilităţi de formare şi de voluntariat prin Erasmus Plus şi European Solidarity Corps, îşi vor exersa cunoştinţele de limbă engleză, vor socializa şi vor interacţiona cu tineri

Erasmus + Euroscola = Lideri în Formare

Update : Din păcate, în luna august, coordonatorii activităţii ne-au informat că nu mai doresc să cooperăm în proiectul Euroscola2019 deoarece elevii sunt implicaţi în prea multe activităţi.  Începând cu luna iulie 2019, centrul nostru de voluntariat găzduieşte şi încurajează iniţiativele a 27 de profesori şi elevi ai Liceului "Ion Neculce" din Târgu Frumos, care participă la concursul naţional Euroscola. Proiectul vizează dezvoltarea abilităţilor de leadership ale elevilor, prin antrenarea acestora în worshopuri de dezvoltare personală. La prima întâlnire nici nu am simţit cum au trecut 3 ore de activităţi. Am aflat mai multe informaţii unii despre alţii, am socializat, ne-am exprimat ideile şi am planificat. La final de atelier, în echipe tematice, cei 30 de tineri, profesori şi voluntari europeni implicaţi, şi-au asumat implementarea a 5 iniţiative: un eveniment săptămânal numit "Doctors of personal development", o activitate de igienizare Esplanad

Arts Lab Report: Learning about multiple intelligence

In June, the Asirys Super Tineri association tackled various issues on education. Together with the volunteers, we talked about formal and non-formal education, where the first one can be observed in schools. For example the assignment of a grade, based on the abilities of the pupils, not considering the diversity of talent of the individual. We also talked about competitive and non-collaborative context. On the other hand, when talking about non-formal education methods, schemes that do not contain competition and obligation are applied, but the student himself is driven by his individual interests and abilities to collaborate with his colleagues in a group work, thus obtaining a common goal which is to grow and learn. Research on non-formal education has led to differentiate the types of intelligence. For example, based on the individual reasoning talent of each pupil, there are more mathematical minds and others more creative, musical or linguistic minds and other sports and kinesth

Arts Lab Report: My third month in Romania

The month of June started with the Miclăuşeni Festival, which was a big event for families. Asirys was participating for different tasks that support the festival, like welcoming, candy floss, taking care of visitors. I was responsible of the media covering, including mainly the event video. It’s a task that I like because it’s related to one of my main skills, video recording and editing. Also because the environment was a really nice place for this, the castle providing a good storytelling potential. I recorded a lot of scenes that I edited during the month, which was a huge work but pretty enjoyable. The feedback was good so I was happy. We continue the workshops at the youth center and I was really excited to launch Iron Mind workshop, which is about convince and persuade art, manipulation, negotiation, body language. This workshop was pretty successful as the youth center was full. We also had the Romanian night after it. I also had this month the opportunity to launch a chess clu

Arts Lab Report: Time flies so fast

This month passed very quickly, because of all the activities we've done. I made many friends and I loved that I improved my level of English. I can express myself more fluently, although I still want to continue improving. We participated in a festival in a beautiful castle with the volunteers from Romania. I had to give a classical ballet lesson, but because there were other girls that could do it, I decided to do face painting for the kids. That reminded me of a job I had in Mexico on my weekends off. It was exciting because there were so many children. I am very happy to have Sabien, my roommate, because we have very similar ways of thinking and I can express my feelings with great confidence and she also to me. We went to a lake, we discovered a very cool cafe that is where we were going when we want to relax. I started to teach dances in a larger room than usual, which was extraordinary. Because I have more and more students, this room has no windows, which gives a fresh feel

Arts Lab Report: Artistic May

In May, we started to create workshops on an artistic theme such as painting, music, photography and dance, which serves to stimulate the creativity of students and young people. Also, they will give them the possibility to express themselves artistically. It is also an effective way to promote non-formal education. The objectives of the association and the project include combating social discrimination, alcoholism and violence. These issues were also addressed during the time we worked with other volunteers from other associations, who collaborated in our projects for a week, giving us the opportunity to get to know each other and to identify the different social problems of the country without neglecting the rights and duties of the volunteers. We had a training in the capital, Bucharest, for the professional growth of the volunteer which allowed us to meet people from all over the world. During this training we had the chance to express our thoughts on our tasks and we talked to ar

Arts Lab Report: A month of firsts

Airports are grey and smell of chemicals, at least that was the idea that I had. To bathe in the scent of flowers and spring was not on my list of expectations when I imagined myself taking my first steps on Romanian ground. But the air was the first thing that surprised me: no penetration of industrial gases but a welcoming fragrance of blossoming trees. Trying a really good dessert that appeared to be Hungarian and not Romanian and of which I forgot the name, crazy skies heavy of thunderstorms, my first glass of ţuica, eating delicious sarmale, witnessing interesting negotiation techniques with an initially reluctant local professional, seeing the commitment of local volunteers, the slight panic I felt right before giving my first ever workshop in the local school, struggling with language barriers, being welcomed on a school with a huge breakfast while they don’t even have running water, and lots more. These are some of the first things I've done in Romania. So what have I been

Arts Lab Report: New volunteers, new experiences

The beginning of the May month starts with the arrival of Michele, new Italian volunteer. Michele is an economic student and will stay here for 3 months. We introduced him to the youth center and the activities, presenting the project and the mission of Asirys. The next Sunday was marked by the arrival of Sabien, Belgian volunteer specialized in handcrafting, who will stay 6 months. Also the month of May was the month of the elaboration, testing and implementation of the art labs. I created the photography lab, who was pretty successful as the students seem interested in photography, and after the intervention were happy and able to do quick progress by showing really good and creative pictures. I also created the music lab, which for the moment is only implemented in the youth center because I want to discover some methods in order to manage a lot of people for this lab. So, I’m currently thinking of a new version that will be more adapted for big groups. The middle of the month, 24 y

Arts Lab Report: My second month in Romania

This month was different, in a good way, as the weather improved. By saying this I mean that the weather stopped being cold and rainy. What I like the most about this country is its landscapes and that everything smells very good. During this month I have improved my English. I want to travel through Romania in order to learn more about its culture and people, because they are different depending on the geographical area (north, south, east, west). I would also like to have more language classes here in order to communicate easier with people here. Also, it is very similar to Spanish and I can learn it easily. At the end of the month we went to Bucharest, which I really loved because the center smells like flowers and the people are super nice and friendly. I met during the training week volunteers from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey, Georgia, Algeria and many more. Different cultures, different education, different way of thinking; I had the opportunity to talk with each one and their s

Arts Lab Report: The beginning of an adventure

Hi, I'm Sandro, I'm twenty-six and I come from Sardinia, an island in Italy. I left for Romania about a month ago to start a volunteering project. Why? Because I have a dream: to be able to give an emotion and help people with my artistic expression, painting. From the very first days the Asirys association welcomed me warmly, introducing me to other volunteers from other parts of the world such as France, Norway, Belgium, Mexico and Romania. Despite my elementary English I didn't have big problems communicating, they were all patient and understanding and thanks to this environment I was impressed to know the diversity of culture and tradition of the different countries. In the following days I collaborated with them in some nearby schools with children of all ages. It was a very strong experience. I helped blind children to express themselves with artistic games, I played with other kids to give them the opportunity to open their minds, to be curious to know the world wit

Arts Lab Report: First impressions about Romania

Sandro and I arrived in Romania at the beginning of April. The first fifteen days were quiet intense because we were meeting Romania's environment, new work space and a lot of people. Among them, the Norwegian team. Through their stay we created workshops around the thematic of multiple intelligence. By small groups we started to run it in different types of schools, some that has high failure rates, particular community appurtenance, some with autistic or blind students. I was not used to this kind of work, with this kind of audience in this new environment, so the learning process was highly stimulating and efficient, despite the fatigue. The common life and structure of the place we stayed was an interesting human experience, as Alin, our host, and Nikolia, made us feel comfortable and introduced us to the Romanian life. Meanwhile Mihaela try her best to support our arrival and planning our activities. So, the Norwegians and us get the most we can from this experience. After tho

Call for Volunteers: Arts Lab Erasmus+ 6 months mobility

We are looking for 4 young people, aged between 18 and 30, from European Union countries, to be part of 6-month Erasmus+ volunteering mobility, in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Romania. The project is adressing youth passionate about dance, painting, music, photography, cooking, crafts and/or other cultural activities. The topics of the project are social inclusion, cultural heritage, creativity and culture. The volunteering activities will be diverse and involve the development of social, intercultural, civic and entrepreneurial skills and competences. Some of the activities that the 4 volunteers will carry out are: a caravan promoting non-formal education and European volunteering in 5 communities,   developing a personal project in the cultural field, artistic workshops, develop and promote the Experiential Rroma Museum,   organization of a conference to promote volunteering and the Erasmus + program among young people and youth leaders from several communities in the region.