In June, the Asirys Super Tineri association tackled various issues on education. Together with the volunteers, we talked about formal and n...Read More
The month of June started with the Miclăuşeni Festival, which was a big event for families. Asirys was participating for different tasks tha...Read More
In May, we started to create workshops on an artistic theme such as painting, music, photography and dance, which serves to stimulate the cr...Read More
Airports are grey and smell of chemicals, at least that was the idea that I had. To bathe in the scent of flowers and spring was not on my l...Read More
The beginning of the May month starts with the arrival of Michele, new Italian volunteer. Michele is an economic student and will stay here ...Read More
This month was different, in a good way, as the weather improved. By saying this I mean that the weather stopped being cold and rainy. What ...Read More