
Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2019

Sixth month as Volunteer in Romania

March, the month that the spring officially starts and one of the most beautiful months of the year. For me, March meant something more. It is the middle month of my EVS, here in Romania. At the beginning of the month, I was the only European volunteer in Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, but on the last day of the month, we were twelve volunteers! Starting the month activities, with Florin, a volunteer of our organization, we continue the multiple intelligence workshops, at Petru Rareş Technological school. The workshops went very good. We had everyday participation from the students and they really enjoyed it, especially the music intelligence workshop. Also with Jamal and Martha, who came from Norway, we discussed and organized the last details about the upcoming short-term EVS project we would have at the end of the month. We visited all together Iaşi and Paşcani, a very beautiful nearby town and we connected more to each other. Something important about Erasmus+ projects is the connectio

Fifth month as Volunteer in Romania

February, my fifth month as a volunteer in Romania, it was so full of nice people and learning achievements. Everything I learned I will keep it to use for my future plans! If January was the month of organizing things, February was the month when everything we planned got in "flesh and bone".  The first activity was a chemistry workshop by Alina-Mirela Ipate, in our youth center. Many children came, we played, we did the experiments that Alina showed us and I learned a lot of new words with the help of my new little friends.  Then with Mihaela, we visited Petru Rareş Technological High-School and the High-School for youth with a sight-impairment "Moldova" to establish new activities for the students. At Petru Rareş school we did “The Polite project”. It was a very useful project for the students, the teachers and us. The aim of the project was for the students to realize the importance of behaving politely in the school and in general, in society.  In the aft

Fourth month as Volunteer in Romania

The new year arrived and I am reflecting about everything I did in the previous year, on all the learning achievements and I am defining all the things I want to do this year. I try to organise my mind and my time, so I will learn as much as possible and I rely as always, on the help of my mentor Dragoş, Mihaela, the coordinator of my EVS project, and of course, on the help of Alin, my Romanian teacher, who I say sorry cause I still can't pronounce correct ă and â. January was the month of organising and planning the projects of the year, so before doing that I did a fast journey to Cluj Napoca. I visited the city center, museums, and Salina Turda, a place that was used to export salt. I sailed with a small boat inside that place and it was so captivating to be inside the earth in the dark with my boat and just to row! After charging my batteries I returned to my base, in Tîrgu Frumos and we started to organise the projects that we will do at the youth center with the other v

Erasmus + 2019: Te trimitem în Europa / Lume!

În ultimii 11 ani, am trimis aprox. 750 de tineri în peste 260 de proiecte internaţionale. Acest articol conţine lista de oportunităţi de mobilitate, pe care o oferim în 2019, voluntarilor, colaboratorilor şi partenerilor noştri. Lista e împărţită în două categorii. Proiecte Erasmus Plus - KA1 :  Training "EU Briefing training", Zlotoryja, Polonia - 23-26 aprilie 2019 - Luiza Maria Pantiru, Dragoş Ionuţ Spatariu   Training "Gender out of the Box", Durres, Albania - 2-10 mai 2019, 3 participanţi Training "HERO: human rights education opportunity", Karlovac, Croaţia - 3-10 august 2019 Training "Employability Boost Laboratory", Trikala, Grecia, ultima săptămână din august 2019 Schimb de tineri "The World of Roma", Rakican Castle, Slovenia, septembrie 2019, 6 participanţi Training "Imagine your Dance"  Navarra, Spania, 14-20 octombrie 2019 Proiecte Erasmus Plus - KA2 :  Gender Out Of The Box - 15 November 2018 –