
Call for partners: START-Up for ART Entrepreneurs

Type of Project : PBA 4.3. Title : START-Up for ART Entrepreneurs Date: May 2014 – 8 days of activity Location :  Iaşi, Tîrgu Frumos Groups : 2 participants/country Number of countries: all EU countries  Target:  20 people (minimum 10 organizations) from 10 countries Youth workers Volunteers, young artists unemployed  All participants have to be over 18 years old Good communication skills - working language is English Participants should be passionate about arts The aim of the project is to:  Develop entrepreneurship skills for the art sectors among youth with high risk of unemployment. Objectives:  Prepare the youth to become art-entrepreneurs (opportunities for funding, for training)  Design the own art company - write a business plan and implement it on local level. Develop skills in marketing, management and public speaking.  Improve the skills of the youth in using photography and film as tools for promotion (how to do a good picture, how to do

Call for partners - "Media PR for Youth NGOs"

Type of Project : Training course Action 3.1.b Title:  Media PR for Youth NGOs Date: August 2014 – 8 days of activity Location:  Sibiu Groups: 2 -3 participants Age Limits: 18-25 Number of countries: all EU + partners countries  Short description: The project "Media PR for Youth NGOs" is a training course that will involve more than 9 partners, from EU countries and partners countries. The training will take place in Romania and will involve at least 20 youth workers. The themes of "Media PR for Youth NGOs" are “art and culture” and „media” and the main objectives are to share and achieve knowledge and skills about PR instruments, in order to increase the visibility of youth workers projects, to achieve knowledge about other European cultures, to develop the creativity and entrepreneurship skills, to promote the socialization among young people regardless of language, color, ethnicity, to develop the team work and the communication skills in a forei

Call for partners: "Tradition and contemporary arts"

Type of Project: Youth Exchange A1.1 Title :  Tradition and contemporary arts Date : May 2014 – 7 days of activity Location :  Sibiu, Romania Groups: 4 young people + 1 leader Age Limits: 18-25 Number of countries: all EU countries (except Spain & Turkey – we already have partners from these countries) Short description: The project “Tradition and contemporary arts" it will be a multilateral youth exchange, which has the main theme: art and popular culture through contemporary and nonformal tools. The main objectives are to develop entrepreneurship and creativity, to facilitate the socialization among young people of different cultures and to promote the cultural identity of each European participant.  We are looking for partners from at least 6 countries (4 participants + 1 leader). The youth exchange will take place in Romania, in Sibiu, in a mountainous area for a period of 7 days and will involve at least 25 young people. The main activities consist in ma

Testimonial about ARTCOM

ARTCOM... for me this project meant an escape from daily life, from routine, a chance to communicate with other persons through arts, a chance to learn new things not by writing them on a paper, but doing them. The most beautiful thing was the fact that, although there we were four nations, we found a way to collaborate and to communicate very well, using only one language: ART. Through music, dance, theater or graphics we could educate ourselves and to educate in a non-verbal way. In the same time, we were able to be a unity and to create a final product which was good not only for us, but for our personality and for the others who watched us. Also, ARTCOM was a opportunity for each participant to learn how is to express their feelings in front of foreign persons without stage fright . Because is very easy to express our feelings by body language, by singing, by dancing, by painting; maybe in this way we could express more and better what we felt in those moments. It

Efectul Fluture

Vrem o lume mai bună, în care sărăcia, violenţa, corupţia, războaiele şi ura să nu existe. Orice om a fost nemulţumit, măcar o dată în viaţă, de lumea în care trăieşte. Am vrea să schimbăm multe însă nu e aşa simplu, e ca şi cum am ar trebui să mutăm un munte dintr-un loc în altul. În această viaţă nu putem face lucruri mari. Putem face doar lucruri mici cu o dragoste mare, cu perseverenţă şi pasiune. Pasiunea este sentimentul pe care îl ai atunci când faci ceva ce îţi place şi deşi de multe ori poate eşti judecat, neînţeles. Pasiunea nu face lucruri pentru că trebuie; ea dă naştere lucrurilor pentru care nu trebuie şi nu vrei să dai o explicaţie. De exemplu îmi place să fac şi să ofer mărtişoare, mici lucruri împletite de mână, să cos goblen. E o muncă minuţioasă să faci acele obiecte mici care strălucesc o zi, care nu mai sunt purtate. Mulţi întreabă: de ce te mai chinui atât? Poţi cumpăra cu câţiva lei... poţi cumpăra un astfel de lucru... hmmm, dar nu e acelaşi lucru!

Social Media: Truth and Lies - Turcia

Social Media: Truth and Lies este numele proiectului ce se va desfăşura în Bursa, Turcia şi care îşi caută participanţii! În perioada 29 august - 1 septembrie, Eda Zarife a reprezentat  SUPER TINERI, în cadrul vizitei de planificare în avans, unde  s-a decis ca schimbul de tineri să se desfăşoare în perioada:  3-11 Octombrie 2013. A fost dezvoltat  următorul program: Ziua 1 – Târgul ONG-urilor (în campusul universităţii Uludag) Ziua 2 – Vizita mass-media locală (dialog cu reprezentanţii mass-media pe  subiecte legate de social media, presa “tradiţională”...) Ziua 3 – Conferinţa Ziua 4 – Conferinţa (continuare...)             – Realizare “ziar internaţional” via resurse socia media Ziua 5 – Realizare scurt metraj – curs introductiv - cum se realizează şi realizarea  propriu-zisă a unui scurt metraj de către participanţi (3 echipe)             - filmuleţul câştigător promovat via platforme social media Ziua 6 – Întâlnire reprezentanţ

Pasiunea - comoara lăuntrică!

În viaţă trebuie să faci alegeri, o diversitate de alegeri, de la cele mai simple şi nesemnificative, la cele importante şi cu un impact asupra viitorului tău. Nu poţi fi sigur niciodată că tot ce vei face va avea un rezultat bun, dar niciodată nu merită să îţi pierzi speranţa. Esenţial e să lupţi şi să nu abandonezi, chiar dacă ai mici neşanse pentru ceea ce îţi doreşti cu adevărat. Fiecare bătălie câştigată va fi un plus la construirea viitorul meu, iar fiecare luptă pierdută va fi un pas înainte, căci ceea ce nu te doboară te ridică. Din acest motiv încerc să-mi duc la capăt visul şi să fac în viaţa exact ce îmi doresc şi ce îmi place mai mult: să desenez, să pictez, să confecţionez bijuterii şi obiecte decorative. A confecţiona ceva este practic a da suflet unui lucru şi prin lucrările mele dăruiesc suflet sau menţin vie tradiţia română. Îmi urmez pasiunea, căci toţi oameni au câte o pasiune, dar trebuie să ştii să-ţi valofici potenţialul creativ, să-ţi redescoperi “comoar

Interviu: Sunt Carlos, un mexican în Tîrgu Frumos

Venit cu un internship pentru 2 luni în cadrul ASIRYS, Carlos Andres Alvarado Jimenez, un tânăr mexican, a fost fotograful, cameramanul, voluntarul, media-editorul… de fapt a fost, din august până în septembrie, omul din spatele Departamentului Media a celei mai active organizaţii de tineret din Tîrgu Frumos. Cum a ajuns în România? Printr-un parteneriat ASIRYS şi AIESEC Iaşi. Iată că a venit momentul să publicăm interviul lui Carlos, luat la o cupă de ciocolată caldă, la sediul ASIRYS. M.D.P: Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine. Ce studii ai? Care sunt hobby-urile tale? Carlos: Sunt un mexican de 29 de ani, designer grafic şi fotograf. Am studiat desen grafic, am terminat facultatea acum 5 ani, şi am 7 ani de când lucrez în domeniul desenului grafic, şi 8 ani de când mă ocup de fotografie. Profesional vorbind, îmi doresc să lucrez pentru National Geographic sau un alt ziar de renume. Îmi place profesia mea, dar simt un interes aparte pentru fotoreportaje. Cât despre hobby-uri

Testimonial: First Aid project in Cappadocia!

Andreea participated between 19-26 august, in the youth exchange: “It's not over till it's over”, organized in Turkey, Kırşehir (Cappodocia), in which our organization was partner. This article is her testimonial regarding the project!   And we’re off to... Turkey, to participate in a youth project about First Aid. The road was long but it wasn't boring at all. Istanbul Ataturk Airport has a huge line until you get to passport control As we passed, one face attract my attention. After the girl passed by us four times, the 5th time I asked her if she was also going with SUPER TINERI in a project in Turkey, because she looked familiar. Lucky me, her answer was yes, and so, another Romanian member joined me and Ioana. After 30 minutes the boys also came, and we were trying to find our guide, but that was almost impossible because there were a lot of people who were waiting for somebody. At one point, I don’t know how and why, the Czech people (I think they have specia

The Turkish way – “It’s not over ‘till it’s over”

Ioana participated between 19-26 august, in the youth exchange: “It's not over till it's over”, organized in  Turkey, Kırşehir (Cappodocia), in which our organization was partner. This article is her testimonial regarding the project!  An interesting project can only gather great people, so the extraordinary experience was inevitable. Through this project, the Asirys Association has not only offered us vital information about the correct first aid techniques, but it has helped us develop in an intercultural environment.  We knew from the beginning that we only have one week together, so we had to take advantage of our time. Our Turkish hosts started with some games meant to make us know each other better, but it was almost impossible to memorize 40 new weird names (although we had no problem with the two Czech guys named Tom and Jerry, for obvious reasons). Anyway, we managed to find some nicknames and we solved the problem.  As human beings, we had to spend