
Arts Lab 4.0: Month II, Federica Colzani - I'm in the right place

When I realized that I have been here for two months, I felt that the time passed so quickly but at the same time I lived so many experiences that it's like I've been here for such a long time. During this month new people arrived in the project and the relationship between us become very special: everyone wants to learn things from the others but also we have a lot of fun together.  We want to see as many things as possible and for this reason we traveled a lot: we went to the Red Lake, Sovata, Sibiu, Constanța but we also explored the nature in Târgu Frumos and I'm so happy to have the chance to see so many beautiful places with special people.  During our days we worked in the alternative museum of folklore. This topic was very interesting for me because I discovered how traditional art is very similar during the years but at the same time it's not fixed in the past as the people that make and join it are different. Also I think it's very beautiful to have an art

Folcloristica, ediția a VIII-a, Feredeni - Deleni - Comunicat de presă

În perioada 29-30 octombrie 2022, comuna Deleni a devenit capitala folclorului ieşean. A opta ediţie a Festivalului Folcloristica, organizată de Parohia „Adormirea Maicii Domnului" Feredeni (pr. Dan Fotea) și Asociaţia Super Tineri (ASIRYS) în parteneriat cu Primăria Comunei Deleni (primar ec. Prigoreanu Dumitru) şi Școala Gimnazială Feredeni (prof. Marius Scîrțu), a reunit 370 de artişti, meşteri, participanți şi voluntari, din numeroase localităţi ieşene: Feredeni, Deleni, Cotnari, Hărmănești, Hârlău, Todirești, Târgu Frumos, dar şi din județul Bacău și din străinătate: Spania, Iordania, Egipt, Italia, Germania și Turcia. Folcloristica este un eveniment unic, organizat de tineri voluntari împreună cu comunitatea locală, ce urmăreşte să promoveze, integreze şi revigoreze tradiţiile şi obiceiurile ce stau la baza culturală a județului Iași. În cadrul festivalului au fost cinci categorii de activităţi: ateliere creative despre folclor, meşteşuguri, momente artistice, parada satelor

Arts Lab 4.0: Month I, Cihan - Lucky

I came to Romania about 5 weeks ago to work as a volunteer in Art Lab 4th team. We are working as eight different artists in this project. Everyone produces works in other branches of art. I feel very lucky to get to know these wonderful people and to collaborate with them on art productions. The time passed really productively and quickly. We visited various exhibitions, museums, different cities and had the opportunity to get to know Romanian culture. Apart from these, we organized various workshops at Petru Rareș high-school. We met a lot of new people. We also organize nights of different cultures every week, our first night was about Romania. We learned dances, music, food, traditional stories in this night. Another event was the Spanish night, we got to know Spanish culture, tasted traditional food and drinks, got information about Madrid. We are currently working on alternative museums and folkloric works. I am learning Romanian culture and folk songs. I will make a Romanian mus

Arts Lab 4.0: Month II, Yavuzhan Gumus - Learning about Romania

I spent my second month in Romania, and during this time I made many friends. This month the Arts Lab 4.0 team has been completed and we are now eight people. We visited exhibitions, museums, and different cities and we had the opportunity to get to know Romanian culture. Apart from these, we organized various workshops at Petru Rareș high school. I've been to events organized by my teammates in different art fields. It felt very good to learn. We also organize nights of different cultures every week, our first event was about Romania. We learned dances and music, tasted the food, and discovered traditional stories. Another event was the Spanish night, we got to know the Spanish culture, tasted traditional foods and drinks, and got information about Madrid. These intercultural events are very enjoyable. We are currently working on the Alternative Museum of Folklore. I am learning about Romanian culture and various stories and I am working to create sculptures inspired by Romanian c