
Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Maja Mörchen - I don't want to say goodbye!

This is my second-to-last monthly report. I am a little bit behind because we spent the last week traveling, but let’s start at the beginning. In January, we were working on the Rroma museum by facilitating workshops at Ion Creangă School. In my workshop, I worked on Rroma history and painted a mural. It was a bit different from my previous workshops and definitely a challenge, but I am glad I did it and proud of the result. For the museum, I also created a wrap skirt and top inspired by Rroma clothing. This was my first time sewing pieces of clothing since coming here, and I'm very happy that I finally did it. I really appreciated that the final exhibition had a large and pretty diverse group of visitors. This exhibition also showed me how much all of us have grown since the first exhibition. The day after, I tried dyeing my hair for the first time. It didn't turn out pink as I wanted, but there's definitely a difference to before, and I like the result. We also had the ch

Arts Lab 4.0: Month IV, Chiara Gentili - Growth

I cannot hide the emotional difficulty I feel while writing this monthly report because the past month was the most complicated and intense period I have ever experienced. However, I feel grateful for the experiences that have contributed to my growth and maturity in many aspects. During this dense time, I had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and embrace a new idea with the help of the wonderful Sara.  Together, we designed a workshop and methodology that combined emotional intelligence, theater, and magic for the Alternative Museum Rromanes. This collaboration with the students and Sara brought out my deepest and most vulnerable parts, which was both emotional and rewarding. I am learning that it takes courage to get involved and live through every emotion and experience to the end to truly get closer to happiness.  Unfortunately, we lost a special companion this month, which has left a void in our family. Although it is still difficult, I want to cherish all the speci

Caravana Muzeelor Alternative: Apel parteneri locali

Împreună cu opt artiști din Europa, am dezvoltat în ultimele luni, patru instalații care îmbină artele, istoria locală și educația non-formală. Sunt patru tematici la alegere: folclor, Cucuteni, cultura rromă, și comunitatea evreiască. Până în prezent, am facilitat ateliere creative în peste 25 de comunități, preponderent în județul Iași, însă cu sprijinul clusterelor EUNIC România și Moldova ne-am propus să ajungem și în alte județe din regiunea nord-est.  Dacă sunteți o instituție publică, un ONG, ori un grup informal, și lucrați cu minim 30 de tineri (12-35 de ani) din comunitate, interesați să participe pentru trei ore la ateliere artistice creative, facilitate de șapte artiști internaționali, din șase țări, vă rugăm să ne contactați printr-un email la adresa  Perioada de desfășurare este 1-8 martie 2023. Pe 2 martie, vom fi la Bacău, unde colaborăm cu Asociația RYMD - Romanian Youth Movement for Democracy, care a ales instalația Cucuteni Alternativ. Caravan

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Wasan Abusummaqah - Recharged

One more monthly report and this journey is over. Last month we worked on the Rroma museum and it was one of my favorites because we started working on it right after the Christmas holiday so we were recharged and with full energy.  I collaborated with Ataota this time, we did the workshop at the school with the students together, it was about dance and we documented the process by doing a small video which the students enjoyed doing.  For my personal final product, I did a collage artwork, it was a mix of painting and photographs and fabric. I really enjoyed doing it and I like the result. I also filmed with Ataota her personal video, we were filming in an abandoned house with no windows or doors and I still remember how cold it was that day.  Then after the final exhibition, we moved on to our last topic in this project which is the Jewish museum. It’s a really sensitive topic to work on and also we are working with a special needs school, so the challenge is bigger

Arts Lab 4.0: Month IV, Fatma Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud - Journey

It's already been four months and almost a month and a half to go, I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. We started working right after Christmas on the Rroma exhibition, this exhibition gave me the chance to meet and learn more about the Rroma community, their history, culture and where they started their journey in the world. This time I cooperated with my friend, Wasan, to do the workshop together, and the result was a video about how the students see the Rroma culture. About my personal project I made a video called "ترحال" "Tirhal", the meaning in English is "Journey". It is about the struggles faced by the Rroma while trying to integrate into society or to show who they really are. It's about how they lost their identity while trying to hide because of society's pressure on them. Now we have started working on our last exhibition here, it is the Jewish memorial museum. I look forward to knowing more about what happened to them

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Yavuzhan Gumus - Giving the best

After spending some time in Romania, I visited Turkey. When I returned, this month's topic was Rroma culture. Although I couldn't spend time with the students at school, I managed to create two art products related to the subject. I learned historical and cultural information about the Rroma and discovered new songs. Although the process was good for me, it was also painful because I am dealing with toothache. During this month, I thought about what I learned in this project until now: I improved my English, I did some workshops. Most of the things I learned were thanks to the people I met. Also I realized that I’m so closed to the sixth month project.  Some moments were difficult but I really enjoyed the project until now and I’m proud of what we did. I hope that the last exhibition (Jewish museum) will be the best one.  In the next weeks in Romania I want to give the best I can in this project other than having fun with my friends.  Yavuzhan Gumus is from Turkey and he

Arts Lab 4.0: Month V, Sara Torrijos - A complex experience

In my first day of the fifth month I was in Cluj celebrating the new year with Federica, Chiara, Maja, Wasan, Ataota and other friends. It was really nice to visit Cluj, I really like the canal that cross the city and also seeing the Christmas decoration at night. It was really nice to spend time with my friends, getting warm with the typical spicy hot wine that are served in the Christmas market, enjoying street concerts and discovering the old city centre. When we arrived at home, in Târgu Frumos, I was really excited to see my cat, Tormenta. I was far from her for more than two weeks and I really missed her. She was good, only she lost a little weight from the stress of being away from me, but now is okay, totally perfect. Almost without realizing it, we started to prepare the next topic “Rroma Alternative Museum”. For this occasion, Chiara and I decided to collaborate and create a complex experience through the emotions with labs inspiring from magic, theater and emotional intellig