
Arts Lab 5.0: Violeta Roca, Spain - Month 4

This month I’ve been to many places, met many people and done a lot of different activities, it’s been very variate, so it’s difficult to remember all what happened. My emotions have been up and down all the time and I experienced many different things. To begin, we started with the Jewish museum and the residency in Moldova Special School, which I loved. I’ve also prepared the Catalan night and it was so fun to present all the dishes and the culture. I’ve had many fun in the Rroma event and the artistic classes in Iași, and then, the Christmas caravans where successful, I’ve really enjoyed the time with the students.  The Christmas free days started and I lent the house a little sad or uncomfortable with the people, I was frustrated in general with all around me, but this trip inspired me a lot and it gave me a lot of energy, motivation and a different perspective about the people in the house and the project. I’ve met a lot of travelers in the hostel from many different nationalities

Arts Lab 5.0: Ahmed Hakmi, Morocco - Month 4

I really can’t believe that I’m writing the report of the fourth month and chocked about HOW fast this month was fast. Anyway, this month also have been full of new experiences and full of ups and downs as any other month. This month started in Iași, visiting the Jewish Museum, and knowing more about their history here in Iași and the surroundings. Then we had a visit to the military museum where we meet an organisation of the Rroma people where we had the chance to present our countries and we ended that day by having some workshops of different dances and Tarabana.  After that, we visited a village where we had to do the caravan and I was really surprised about the school in that village because it was really clean and organised also they gave us a lot of traditional food. After few days we went to Vaslui, where we did a Cucuteni caravan too. I drove all the way there and I was really fascinated about the weather that day because it was all covered by ice and most of the way was fogg

Arts Lab 5.0: Hassan Ghonim, Egypt - Month 4

This month has been eventful for me.  Firstly, we went to visit the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași to see the celebrations of the Christmas, after that, we finally obtained our residence permit in Romania after a long wait. Following that, some colleagues and I prepared for the Christmas holidays by deciding to explore Romania. We visited Cluj and Sibiu, and I found Sibiu particularly fascinating. The atmosphere and architecture, especially the windows of the houses that it looks like eyes, impressed me. We celebrated New Year's Eve in the center of Sibiu, where I discovered a fantastic Romanian band called 'LUPII' that delivered an amazing performance.  After the holidays, we resumed work and went to Moldova school to start the workshops with the kids. It was an intense and interesting experience that stirred a range of feelings and emotions within me. I sincerely hope for a bright and beautiful future for all of them.   Hassan Mohamed Fathi Mostafa Ghonim is from Egypt, a

Arts Lab 5.0: Muhammed Awed Badr Ali, Egypt - Month 4

Hello, I hope all of you are well and in good health. I would like to discuss my recent month in Romania. It passed by quickly, yet it was a wonderful experience to celebrate Christmas and New Year in a different country like Romania. I truly enjoyed my time here, and it was a lot of fun. Before going on vacation, my friends and I organized a Secret Santa gift exchange. After that, everyone left to spend Christmas and New Year with their families and friends. I was really happy because it was my first time participating in a Secret Santa, and it has become a cherished memory for me in Romania. During the vacation at ACT HOUSE, it was very peaceful. The Christmas spirit was delightful, but I also missed my friends. It was just Ahmed and me, and we had a great time singing, playing the guitar, ping pong, card games, and cooking. Afterward, I returned to Moldova school to continue our workshop with Raphaëlle. We were astonished by the incredible talent of the children at this school; they

Arts Lab 5.0: Aliye Ceylan, Turkey - Month 4

Another month has passed, and I never realized how quickly it went by. I can say that I had a real Christmas period for the first time. But before that, of course, we did a lot of things again. The most meaningful thing for me this month was that we started workshops at the school for visually impaired youth. I never thought I would feel so peaceful with them; it felt like therapy to me. On another day, we participated in a tarabana workshop. It was a lot of fun, something I am actually very curious about and want to learn. Maybe I can tell the students from the previous schools we went to and take small lessons from them because I saw that there were students working in this field. And, of course, the schools we went to for the caravan event. They welcomed us so warmly and hospitably in the schools that sometimes I am surprised. I realized that shooting clips or preparing reels in schools is a lot of fun for me. Apart from that, we also shot a lot of documentaries. Although sometimes

Turing Scheme & Arts Lab 5.0: Raphaelle Kent, UK - Month 4

After I returned home it was strange at first to leave my friends in Romania and the bubble of Arts Lab 5.0, but I enjoyed my time seeing family, I made sarmale for them to try at home and it was nice to share the Romanian culture in my country. I was equally glad to come back to Târgu Frumos and begin the next chapter of the project. I returned from home early January and it felt good to be back in Târgu Frumos and hear about everyone's holidays. Going home made me realize how it will be hard at the end of the project to leave everyone after spending so much time together these past few months. So far this month, which is already the 4th month of the project… we have finished the residency at Moldova high school and had a caravan of Cucuteni in a nearby village. I was pleased with the song the students created together at the end of the residency at Moldova school and we hope to perform it in the JEMOM museum next week. I turned 25 this month and my friends surprised me with a lov

Arts Lab 5.0: Carla Ditmeyer, Bolivia - Month 3

The third month was very interesting, full of trips and new experiences.  We traveled to Moldova which is one of my favorite moments. It was a trip of only girls and it felt amazing because of the beautiful energies that everybody radiated. We did so many caravans and it was challenging at first because I collaborated with Olha on this project and at first our ideas were too difficult to accomplish in just 20 minutes.  At the end we used my box of stories but Olha had the good idea to draw some decorations there live. It brought so much to the initial idea because with Olha it made it more expressive and more concrete. Their stories became a bit more elaborate and that made us very happy.  My favorite moments were in Puhăceni and Chișinau, despite their differences I felt very at home with both. Puhăceni and their people will stay in my heart forever and I hope they will create an amazing and well deserved cultural house for their expression to grow even more. That trip and the memorie