
Arts Lab 3.0.: Demet Durdu - Living my dreams

It's been a month and a half since I came to Romania. Time passes really fast. I feel peaceful here. We spend our time with people I love and different activities. It is difficult to describe in detail every event held here.  To summarize, the Folcloristica festival was the most memorable event. Folcloristica lasted for 2 days in Ciurbești, and gave us a glimpse of the Romanian tradition and culture. It was very exciting for me to promote my own country and perform a traditional dance in a different country.  On the other hand, we also receive Romanian language training. It helps us to fit more here.  Târgu Frumos is a small town, but it surprises and delights me that people are so interested in art. The great interest in ceramics makes me even more committed to ceramics. I feel that I am living my dreams while dealing with ceramics.  Next month we will finally have an exhibition! I will adapt Romanian culture to minimal abstract objects. Come to our exhibition, let's live this

Invitație la Expoziția Artistică: Beautiful Fair Town / Orașul Târgu Frumos

Pe 5 octombrie 2021, s-au împlinit 573 de ani de la prima atestare documentară a orașului Târgu Frumos. Probabil e mai vechi de atât, dar singura dovadă scrisă e o decizie dată în 1448, de voievodul Moldovei, prin care donează toată ceara produsă pe plan local, călugărilor de la Probota Veche. Dar ce face special orășelul unde facem voluntariat de mai bine de 12 ani? Ce e frumos în Târgu Frumos? Ce face un oraș să fie frumos? În ultimii ani, am găzduit peste 200 de tineri din lume în Târgu Frumos. Am creat împreună activități, evenimente, strategii, proiecte, care au dezvoltat conexiuni unice cu orășelul aflat la răscruce de drumuri. Beautiful Fair Town este o expoziție artistică, aflată la a doua ediție, care are ca temă frumosul din Târgu Frumos. 5 artiste din Turcia, Spania, Letonia și Irlanda, vor expune la ACT House, lucrări de artă în domenii precum film, fotografie, ceramică, arhitectură, textile și body-painting. Vernisajul are loc, sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2021, la ora 17:00, la A

Arts Lab 3.0.: Krista Lipska - a month of trips

My August started with a little trip to Bucharest where we were saying last goodbyes to Craftastic Youth Exchange participants. My first impressions are that the streets of Bucharest are really crowded and full of movement in all possible directions, but the walk we had in the Old Town of Bucharest was pleasingly calm and gave me a safe place feeling with all the old buildings and cobblestone underneath my feet. I am glad that in August I could proceed with my Body Painting Lab and giving free space of expressing themselves underneath connecting topics. Every time it made me happier and happier to see all of my young artists getting much free and letting themselves be the personalities they are. Seeing their interest and support in these workshops for me is really heart-warming and important. In August I finally had an opportunity to try out my hands in creating with clay. I am really grateful that Demet led us into the new world of this art which feels like meditation and releasing al

Arts Lab 3.0: Fiona O'Neill - Stories of July

In July we had the pleasure of meeting Elena, a retired school teacher who transformed her family home into a museum of traditional Romanian culture. At first she was quite shy to speak with us, feeling the burden of a language barrier and doubting if people from abroad would see the value in such a place. Fast forward a few hours and we were sitting on Elena’s childhood bed, sharing lemonades and laughing about the story of her first cross-stitch. History can often feel detached and distant, but the story of Elena’s family through the decades gave us such a particular insight into the recent past and made everything feel so much more personal. After all, what is history if not the stories of regular people? Once again, Romanian hospitality continues to impress and we have yet to visit somebody that hasn’t welcomed us with open arms. This month we hosted a youth exchange to discuss the topic of single use plastics. The IPCC’s sixth report painted a bleak picture of the climate crisis,

Arts Lab 3.0.: Krista Lipska - July, a challenging month

July was fulfilled with a lot of activities and emotions, so it is quite hard to make a summary of everything that happened.  One more lovely experience was the trip to Oboroceni, where we were welcomed to do workshops for kids age 7-15. The workshop I created was dedicated to Romanian nature, so kids had the task to make small paintings on rocks with a part of Romania they love the most. I was really pleased that kids were enjoying that and taking the activity quite seriously, creating mini paintings with such accurateness. And then comes the part about the biggest adventure and challenge during July – we were getting ready for a European Youth exchange project in our youth center. The name of it was “Craftastic” and the main idea was to create workshops and experience exchange about recycling and upcycling everyday plastic items which are not being used anymore. So that gave me a reason to do a small research on this topic and to know about it more. We welcomed people from different

Selecție voluntari pentru Folcloristica, ediția a VII-a

În perioada 21-22 august 2021, vom organiza în satul Ciurbești, comuna Miroslava, a VII-a ediție a Festivalului Folcloristica. Ca în fiecare an, acest eveniment reprezintă o oportunitate de a descoperi talente, de a ne conecta cu liderii formali și informali din comunitățile locale, de a cunoaște și de a promova într-un stil non-formal, patrimoniul  cultural local. Implică un sat, dezvoltă o țară! În ultimii 7 ani, prin Folcloristica, am lucrat cu peste 40 de sate din județul Iași și sute de voluntari, artiști locali, producători, meșteri, profesori și oameni pasionați ai locului. În acest an ne bucurăm de sprijinul Primăriei și Consiliului Local Miroslva, și cel al Asociației Ciurbeștenii.  Pentru a organiza evenimentul avem nevoie de o echipă de 20 de voluntari. Acest apel este adresat tinerilor care își doresc să lucreze într-o echipă internațională, să învețe despre organizarea de evenimente, să-și facă prieteni și să descopere folclorul într-un mod inedit!   Voluntarilor li se asi

Arts Lab 3.0.: Demet Durdu - Sunflowers & green town

Hello, I'm Demet. It's been 2 weeks since I came to Târgu Frumos. I was very excited when I first got off the plane. I was even more excited as it was my first international travel experience. I took another 6 hour bus ride from Bucharest to Târgu Frumos. The roadsides were full of sunflower fields. And it was green everywhere. I thought it would be very nice to live in this nature. There was a great emptiness and happiness inside me.  When I arrived to Târgu Frumos, Mihaela, Leire, Krista greeted me. I felt incredible relief when I saw them. Because they were so friendly. I got to know the environment. We started to make products related to the recycling of plastic at the youth center. In the week I arrived, people from different countries came with a youth exchange program. We became a large group.  We immediately started the project and made products from plastic bottles, and together we got to know Romania. Every evening we learned about the culture of another country. It&#

Arts Lab 3.0.: Leire Saenz - July in Târgu Frumos

It’s already been two months since I arrived in Târgu Frumos and I have this constant feeling that I’ve been here forever, at the same time I feel as lost as I felt in the airport at Bucharest when I stepped in this country for the first time. During the month of July I had the opportunity to create, with the help of some local volunteers, the Media Lab Club. The first day we met was amazing, everyone was enjoying the creation and sharing process. I feel like this club will be a great opportunity to learn for all of us and I cannot wait to see what it will bring us. Even though I feel really grateful for being here, I am still adjusting myself. Every day, every workshop, every activity, every person we work with is an opportunity to learn something new. We had our On-arrival training while ASIRYS was hosting a youth exchange. It is so sad that we had to do it online, but I got the chance to meet some people that are living similar experiences to mine all around Romania, and hopefully w